The Deplorables

They're The DeplorablesHillary Clinton, while speaking a select group of wealthy queers in New York City last Friday, said that fully 50% of Donald Trump’s supporters were racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and/or islamaphobic. She bluntly and openly described them – a very conservatively estimated 22 million American voters – as a basket of deplorables i.e. as deserving of strong condemnation due to shock, fear, or disgust they engender.

Rather than choose to be offended by Hillary’s declaration, I decided to think about what she said objectively and to take into account the greater context of Hillary’s words, audience, and cultural history. Doing so has allowed me to realize that this is just another case where the Left confuses facts and truth.

The simple and sad fact is that, within the context of how Liberals, Progressives, and those who they enable and pander to have mis-defined various form of bigotry and expanded what they consider examples thereof, we are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and/or islamaphobic. Indeed, given their beliefs, it’s not just 50% of Donald Trump’s supporters who are so deplorable; it’s entirety of the White population of America who is so …or at least so their oikophobic ideology forces them to believe. Their only internal conflict is when an individual with one “protected trait” is perceived by them to have attacked another with a different “protected trait.” Then, suffer from hysterical paralysis until they can determine the hierarchy of victimology.

So what is truly deplorable and abhorrent to Americans is not what Hillary said. It is what her followers truly believe and that is deplorable indeed.

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Hillary Loves Abortion

Bernie or Hillary, it's the same evilHillary Loves Abortion

Hillary Clinton absolutely loves abortion and, of course, she is quite strident in her objection to abortion not being showcased in the various Democrat Primary debates.

Clinton got on the topic during the April 14 debate in Brooklyn, N.Y., when she said she would only appoint a Supreme Court justice who believed that Roe vs. Wade is settled law.

“And I want to say something about this since we’re talking about the Supreme Court and what’s at stake. We’ve had eight debates before, this is our ninth,” Clinton said. “We’ve not had one question about a woman’s right to make her own decisions about reproductive health care, not one question.”


“And we are never asked about this,” she said. “And to be complete in my concern, Sen. Sanders says with respect to Trump it was a distraction. I don’t think it’s a distraction. It goes to the heart of who we are as women, our rights, our autonomy, our ability to make our own decisions, and we need to be talking about that and defending Planned Parenthood from these outrageous attacks.”

Don’t get me wrong; Hillary’s complaint isn’t unexpected. It is core to her reasoning as to why it’s her turn to be POTUS. Of course, given the real nature of Dem politics, it may well be Hillary’s turn as it were, at lest insofar as being the Dems’ Nominee. At least it so far certainly seems as if the DNC already has things “worked out” with Hillary, much like they seemed to have things settled with Obama back in 2008.

What, however, is key is the reason behind Hillary’s love of- and obsession with abortion, since this is the sole basis for her entire political campaign. In her mind all women, but especially Feminist womyn, devolved down to their reproductive organs. Hence, total autonomy for those organs is all she believes matters to them.

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Bros Before Hoes

So, after so many months of coyly refusing to state that she’s was going to run for POTUS in 2016, Hillary Clinton finally decided to officially announce her candidacy.

It’s apparently a case of “bros before hoes,” a phrase that once meant you didn’t abandon or betray your friends for your girlfriend but, during the 2008 Democrat primaries became that Blacks come before White women.

Sadly, when dealing the possibility of Hillary following Obama into the White House, it’s a case of a bro before a hoe but both coming before- and hastening the collapse of America.

Hillary Clinton became an iconic figure by feeding the media and the Left the kind of rhetoric they love. Barack Obama did the same and became president. Neither had any concrete accomplishments beforehand besides rhetoric, and both have had the opposite of accomplishments after taking office.

They have something else in common. They attract the votes of those people who vote for demographic symbolism — “the first black president” to be followed by “the first woman president” — and neither is to be criticized, lest you be denounced for racism or sexism.

It is staggering that there are sane adults who can vote for someone to be president of the United States as if they are in school, just voting for “most popular boy” or “most popular girl” — or, worse yet, voting for someone who will give them free stuff.

Thomas Sowell
The National Review (March 24, 2015)

This is what the American electorate, thanks to the warm body franchise, has devolved and degenerated into – “People” who decry racism but vote for a candidate solely because of his race to be followed by those who decry sexism but will vote for candidate solely because she has a vagina.

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Rape Is Gendered

Yes, my fine fellows, the legal construct of the crime of rape, as opposed to the objective act of forcible or coercive sexual assault of some type, is gendered – utterly, completely, and unilaterally.

The crime of rape is gendered. It's applied in a sex-specific manner
The Crime Of Rape Is Gendered

One is forced to wonder if there is or will become of trend of females taking selfies during their Walk of Shame in order to evidence of their “rape.” 🙄

Then, this sort of misandry and sexism has to be expected. One, Feminists need to broaden the definition of rape in order to maintain their myth of the Patriarchy. Two and more fundamentally, Feminism isn’t in its current form about equality; it’s solely about providing females with special gender-based privileges and freeing them from any consequences of- or responsibility for their own choices.

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Sexist and Racist

We constantly hear various strident screams of “sexism!” and “racism.” Our society is filled with images of both of these “-isms,” images largely concocted in the minds of those grievance- and hate-mongers who are doing the screaming.

The only thing to note about these complaints is the interesting synergistic effects we get when they two screeds intersect.

One Is Sexist, The Other Is Racist
(Click to Enlarge)

The left image, that of the White slave girl, will be denounced as “sexist” as long as it doesn’t include a Black in the position of her Master or Mistress. The inclusion of a Black in the superior role immediate trumps any cries of sexism and doesn’t generate any cries of racism.

The right image, that of a Black babe in a submissive’s bondage gear, will be declared to be racist, not sexist – especially so if it includes a White in the position of her Master or Mistress. The tableau can only be decried as sexist if there’s a Black male in the superior role.

Yes, it’s a little interest to listen to the intersection of those who cry “sexism!” and those who cry “racism” when it comes to the fantasy or reality of power transference in sexual situations. Both what they shriek about and what they studiously remain silent upon paint a vivid picture of their own “kink.”

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