Ooh You Almost Had It

Oooh You Almost Had It, Hillary
Ooh You Almost Had It

OK, I’m not going to gloat for too long or too much over Trump’s triumph over Hillary. That being said, this meme was just too funny not to use. πŸ˜†

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Well, He Asked For It

And here we see a stupid thug forgetting to be careful about what one asks for lest you receive it in full measure.

Well, He Asked For it

And….SPLAT! πŸ˜† This is most definitely one of the most poetically funny videos I’ve ever seen. That is exactly how the immediate response by law enforcement to these thugs should be.

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How Did Go So Far Wrong?

Schadenfreude is arguably petty but I’m honest enough with myself to know that I enjoy it. I especially enjoy it when the situation that engenders it is and was so easily predictable, such as the Black protests and proto-riots at the University of Missouri and other campuses where the Blacks have risen up and claimed oppression, victimhood, and a violation of the “Safe Spaces.”

How did this campus political correctness get so far out of hand
How Did This Campus Political Correctness Get So Far Out Of Hand?

After decades of the teachers and administrators of America’s colleges and universities feeding the monkeys on a steady diet of ethnoguiltism, victimology, and manufactured outrage and angst against Whites and especially “White Authority” they really shouldn’t be shocked that the Blacks and the Liberal and Progressive Millennials that have been pandering to- and enabling them turned around and bit those very same hands that fed them.

In a very real sense these schools are reaping exactly what they’ve sown. And, if they have created a climate which brought seeds up out of the ground with vegetation on the end of them looking like something they never dreamed of, that is wholly and solely their own fault.

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Alcohol Was Involved

Devon Staples In America it seems that no Spring or Summer holiday is quite complete without some fool killing himself through his own drunken stupidity. This just past Independence Day the requisite fool was Maine’s Devon Staples, who killed himself instantly when he tried to launch a firework mortar tube from the top of his head.

Yep! Sometimes, as in this case, the gene pool is self-cleaning.

And I just know that Staples gleefully shouted out something akin to, “Hey guys! Watch this!” right before triggering his pyrotechnic demise. πŸ˜†

For the Blue Bellies out there reading this, as a Southern man I can tell you that any variant of the call, “Hey guys! Watch this!” will trigger an instant and visceral reaction of Duck and Cover among those of us who would like to continue living. OK, OK! These days it probably triggers an instant and visceral reaction of Duck, Cover, and Get Out The Camera Phone, but you get what I mean.

But hey! Devon Staples, a dog walker and former Disney theme park cast member, has likely secured himself a lasting place in history…as a 2015 recipient of the Darwin Award.

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MORE Ferguson Protests

Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE), a re-branded cell of ACORN, is responsible for hiring many of the protestors that incited the feral violence and insurrection of the Blacks in Ferguson. In a delightfully ironic twist, these same agents provocateurs are now protesting MORE because they didn’t get their paychecks.

FrontPage Magazine reports that MORE  had contracted to pay the protesters $5,000 / month to demonstrate in Ferguson but has failed to #CutTheCheck.

Blacks’ MORE Sit-In In Ferguson

The protests of MORE seem peaceful – so far – but a bit feisty. That, of course, has been proven to be able to change on a moment’s notice however, with violence always a credible threat whenever Blacks protest anything – especially if Whites are on the receiving end.

Ah Schadenfreude. It warms the cockles of my cold heart. πŸ˜‰

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