Keep It In The Cities, Y’all

Keep It In The Cities, Y’all. We Play Differently,
And Y’all Wouldn’t Like The Rules Or The Stakes

#BlackLivesMatter? #Antifa? Any of those sorts of Democrat constituencies? They really need to keep their shit in the cities. They try that sort of unrest out in the country and they’ll learn right quick how we handle and have always handled their sort and the problems they try to bring to the Heartland.

Believe me in this one thing if nothing else. If they’re luckier than they deserve, they never see or hear it coming. Many will be given plenty of time to repent before what’s left of them is sent to Judgement.

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Words vs. Meaning

Words vs. Meaning
Words vs. Meaning

Despite the Left’s and their minority sharecroppers’ belief that they can blithely Humpty Dumpty any all words and phrases, they are still bound by the objective meanings based upon context.

So, when they chant and rant about “justice,” in the context of police officers dealing with Black criminals, what the meaning is is that they want the police officers to be killed. They want the police to be eradicated. Some of them don’t even couch it in soft terms anymore.

#BLM = Burn, Loot, Murder
#BLM = Burn, Loot, Murder

Then, #BlackLivesMatter – now often TLA’d to #BLM has always been steeped in- and all about violence, specifically rioting, burning, looting, and murdering Whites in general and law enforcement officers in particular. They’ve always used a small number of peaceful protestors as shields, both physical and propaganda, for the feral violence that underscores their every action.

Democrats' Plan for 2020 & Beyond - #VoteByRiot
Democrats’ Plan for 2020 & Beyond – #VoteByRiot

This, of course, greatly pleases the Democrats. While it’s fallacious to claim that they engineered the rioting and insurrection of #BlackLivesMatter and #Antifa cells, they’ve pandered to- and enabled its perpetrators and profiteered off of it at a chance they could get or manufacture.

What the Dems are doing is encouraging their constituencies to #VoteByRiot and/or the threat thereof. It’s an old-school, realpolitik technique for revolution and societal destruction called Propaganda of the Deed (Propagande par le Fait), though the Dems, by and large, are doing this by proxy instead of by direct example on their part.

James Hodgkinson’s 2017 attempted mass assassination of Congressional Republicans and the Dems’ response to it is a perfect example of this. The ongoing race riots are more of the same.

But I’m sure that the Dems would use different words to describe their actions. They can’t, however, change the meaning of what they’re doing no matter what words they misuse to do so.

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Wreckers Are Real

Wreckers Are Real
Wreckers Are Real

While Wreckers – people who lured ships unto maritime hazards in order to loot the resulting wrecks – seem to be simply a maritime myth, Wreckers do exist; they’re real; they go by the name of Democrats. And it’s the great ship, America that they seek to run aground and plunder.

This is what happens when one political party realizes that large swaths of their constituencies either are- or support and identify with criminals, and even more enable and/or pander to those sorts. It becomes a job necessity to destroy law and order and to resort to Vote By Riot political means.

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Biden-Harris 2020

Biden-Harris 2020
Burn It Down!
Biden-Harris 2020
Burn It All Down

The perfect photo-op and the perfect slogan for the Biden-Harris campaign – or is it the Harris-Biden campaign, or the Harris Campaign together with Biden serving as the presidential nominee?

In any event, “Burn It All Down” is the perfect campaign slogan for them.

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A Very Nappy Protest

A Very Nappy Protest In Seattle

With a grateful H/T to Patriationary, I present you the real racial issue, the real #FirstWorldProblems of the Blacks inside America’s borders – Black Women’s Hair!!!!! ROFLMAO I guess the next riots will be by raving and ranting #BlackHairMatters myrmidons.

So let me preemptively rebut with #AllHairMatters! 😛

Never let the ever-angry, grievance-mongering, race-baiting, blacktivists fool you. They’re “suffering” from their own, idiosyncratic #FirstWorldProblems more than anything else. That is the only explanation for this sort of idiotic protest in the midst of Seattle’s race riots.

Oh yeah. A city burns and these ratchet fools are ranting about people – presumably White people – touching Black women’s hair. Rarely has a more self-indulgent, totally self-centered and blind to the world “protest” been engaged in by anyone.

Sadly, there’s no point in trying to correct them. The nonconsensual touching of Black women’s hair by White people is a shibboleth of the Blacktivists. It doesn’t matter that it has no factual basis in modern time – I do believe that it did have a basis 50 years ago, during the de-segregation period. It’s part of their culture and identity.

But hey! So far, they’re not burning, looting, or murdering Whites; so we should just roll our eyes and go about the business of being productive citizens of our nation. They are, after all, not harming anything but our sensibilities.

Again though, #AllHairMatters! And yes, I’m talking to you, Joe!

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