A Very Nappy Protest
A Very Nappy Protest In Seattle
With a grateful H/T to Patriationary, I present you the real racial issue, the real #FirstWorldProblems of the Blacks inside America’s borders – Black Women’s Hair!!!!! ROFLMAO I guess the next riots will be by raving and ranting #BlackHairMatters myrmidons.
So let me preemptively rebut with #AllHairMatters! 😛
Never let the ever-angry, grievance-mongering, race-baiting, blacktivists fool you. They’re “suffering” from their own, idiosyncratic #FirstWorldProblems more than anything else. That is the only explanation for this sort of idiotic protest in the midst of Seattle’s race riots.
Oh yeah. A city burns and these ratchet fools are ranting about people – presumably White people – touching Black women’s hair. Rarely has a more self-indulgent, totally self-centered and blind to the world “protest” been engaged in by anyone.
Sadly, there’s no point in trying to correct them. The nonconsensual touching of Black women’s hair by White people is a shibboleth of the Blacktivists. It doesn’t matter that it has no factual basis in modern time – I do believe that it did have a basis 50 years ago, during the de-segregation period. It’s part of their culture and identity.
But hey! So far, they’re not burning, looting, or murdering Whites; so we should just roll our eyes and go about the business of being productive citizens of our nation. They are, after all, not harming anything but our sensibilities.
Again though, #AllHairMatters! And yes, I’m talking to you, Joe!
Tags: #AllHairMatters | #BlackLivesMatter | #FirstWorldProblems | Afros | America | Black Women | Blacks | Blacktivists | Grievance-Mongers | Hair | Natural Hair | Protests | Race Riots | Race War | Seattle | Stupidity