The Savage Queer

Dan Savage - Queer Activist and BullyDan Savage is queer, a fanatical queer activist, and a bully of the worst and most cowardly sort – the sort that lacks all personal and physical courage and who hides behind the system and the various authorities while he’s bullying his chosen victims, Christians

We’re all familiar with his cowardly assault upon Rick Santorum and his attempts at extortion.

But Savage doesn’t limit his venomous behavior to grown men; he likes kids too. Most recently he attacked a group of high school students at National High School Journalism Conference sponsored by the Journalism Education Association and the National Scholastic Press Association.

Savage doesn’t seem to make any distinction between grown men and children. Makes one wonder how far that lack of distinction goes – and how young.

When a hundred or so of the students, fed up with Savage’s Christian-bashing attacks, exercised the only recourse they were indoctrinated to believe was open to them and left the auditorium, Savage decided to verbally assault them directly.

You can tell the Bible guys in the hall they can come back now because I’m done beating up the Bible,” Savage said as other students hollered and cheered. β€œIt’s funny as someone who is on the receiving end of beatings that are justified by the Bible how pansy-assed people react when you push back.

It’s easy to believe this is odd behavior from a person supposedly against bullying but, sadly, his isn’t odd behavior at all. Liberals of all stripes, and queers in particular, are rabidly intolerant and prone to bullying those who hold differing opinions. They’re just not the normal, honest bullies who are willing to put themselves at risk to do their bullying.

It’s axiomatic that all bullies are cowards but Savage’s breed are more cowardly than the norm. If someone stands up to a normal sort of bully, the bully normally backs down. Savage’s sort, like all Liberals, will instead claim that they’re the victim and hide behind the various laws and authorities they’ve suborned and turned into shields for their behavior.

Dan Savage doesn’t have the basic courage to come up to normal American men, out of reach of immediate rescue, and spout his shit. He knows that we’d beat him beyond repair and might give him and his husband a reminder of exactly why they’re called faggots.

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What To Wear?

Men and women are, in the broad sense, equal but quite dissimilar. They have vastly different selection criteria for potential mates; assess members of their own gender upon meeting quite differently; and there’s an evolutionary uniqueness in it being females that engage in dramatic sexual displays instead of the males.

Strange as it might sound at first to a great many people, these gender-based differences also extend to even choosing what underwear to don on any given day.

How Men And Women Choose Underwear
(Click to Enlarge)

As you can see the process of choosing what underwear to wear is vastly different between men and women. Anecdotal evidence also suggests these disparate processes are so different from each other that members of each sex can’t even understand the process of the other. πŸ˜†

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Cries For Civility

Cry Baby - You're MeanMuch like the cries of racism and complaints about ad hominem attacks, recently we’ve been hearing a lot of cries for civility in political discourse. There’s a certain subset of the residents within America’s borders who want a more polite and staid approach to deciding the course of America.

It seems that politics has gotten too raw and real for some people.

This, of course, begs three related questions: who are these people crying for increased civility, what is it that they actually want, and why do they want it so much?

Who’s Crying For Civility

I see two disparate and unrelated general segments of America’s population crying out for an increase in civility in political speech and argument. They are respectively the apolitical drones and the Leftists, the Liberals and Progressives. Each makes similar outcries but for seemingly different reasons and with different real goals.

What Do They Really Want And Why?

The apolitical people just want things to go quietly. They’re uninvolved in politics, fervently wish to stay that way, and are both bothered and scared by the passion that is being shown by many others. Whether from cynicism or self-centeredness, they do not want to pull their heads out the oh-so-comfortable sand and become involved and the fire of current political discourse is preventing them from doing this.

The staid, stuffy, and easily ignored ways are what these drones want to return to because they don’t want to open their eyes and choose a side.

The Leftists, these Liberals and Progressives, are quite different.Β  They are awake, aware, involved in the political process, and they have a definite direction that they want to take America in. Their cries for civility are really two things: cynical attempts to silent their enemies and cries for validation and acceptance.

The willfully uninvolved will just have to stop their ears better and learn to keep their heads down.

For many of the Left, their cries are just dog-whistles for censoring the American people. They don’t really want civility, as their very cries for it often show, so much as they want to stop any dissent against their foundations of their agenda.

For others on the left it is a matter of crying out for acceptance and validation. They’re looking for some affirmation that, even though their enemies disagree with their core ethos, they are still respected and approved of.


Sadly for those who’re crying out for increased civility, I don’t see much chance of- or value in its return any time in the near future. The divide in America is not too deep; it’s to fundamental. It doesn’t allow for the luxury of civility anymore. It’s not a political divide; it’s an ethical and moral divide.

We’re not going to be silenced. We’re not going to engage in carefully managed debates over minutiae of methodology when we want to change the goals and systems. And we’re very much not going to respect our enemies when we find the core beliefs that underpin their goals and actions to be utterly abominable and abhorrent.

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Occupational Therapy?

OWS doesn't know what they want but they're sure the success and productive have itAccording to a recently published study by The Frontier Lab the odd, filthy, and criminal behaviors of the slacker of the OWS “movement” can be better explained as “occupational therapy” than as politically motivated protests.Β  According to this study, for the foot soldiers of OWS it’s about community, belonging, identity, and control.

This explains a great deal of their behavior and also explains the diffuse and disjointed nature of their surface motivation. It especially explains their pathological need to “Occupy” as opposed to engaging in normal, legal protests.

It makes a certain sad and pathetic sense that the the rank-and-file occupiers, who feel isolated in their existences, and seemingly lack basic community ties such as those provided by participation in clubs, churches, and strong families, would sublimate their loss, longing, and despondency into the desire to carve out a “new home” for themselves and to surround themselves with others of their sort as some sort of support group.

Before discounting this or claiming the source, The Frontier Lab, is tainted simply read the following excerpt from December 18, 2011 statementΒ from Occupy Wall St.’sΒ “Organizational” website:

It hurts to be holding GA’s here in an empty park. It hurts to stand here in the cold, fighting for nothing. I do not mean that we don’t stand for principles.

I mean that we don’t have a physical home.

There is nothing here. There are no structures. There is no sign of our community. There is no life. Yes, we are here. But we have become tourists. We visit the park, we do not occupy it.

— Christina Daniel
Buy-Out Buy-In – Proposal for GA

That certainly seems to bear out or, at least, lend weight to the “Occupational Therapy” hypothesis about the real motivations of the rabble in OWS.

The Frontier Lab report describes these rank-and-file Occupiers as “Communitarians.”

A Communitarian remarked that, upon waking each morning in the Tent City, he was struck by an overwhelming feeling of being part of a family. When queried about their formal religiosity, this segment indicated that they had grown up in largely non-religious households. One interview subject indicated that while he had grown up in a religious family, he had felt estranged due to his sexual orientation.

The Communitarians may have expressed their satisfaction at being β€œproactive” to correct injustices, but the value behind this satisfaction is β€œSecurity.” Security to Communitarians means reasserting some control over their futures. The rocky job market and economic outlook mean that they feel more adrift and unsure of their life plans, but for them the Occupy protests serve to translate malaise and fear into action, with a result that is both calming and empowering.

They then applied Means-Ends Theory and Laddering to map from concrete behaviors (Attributes) to emotional feedback (Consequences) to underlying values and/or beliefs (Values).

Means-Ends-Chain Theory - Attributes Consequences Values
Means-Ends Theory: Attributes → ConsequencesΒ → Values

When The Frontier Lab interviewed a series of high intensity occupiers in New York and Chicago they applied this Means-Ends Theory to derive insights into the occupiers’ psyches and motivations.

It boils down to the idea that the average slacker in OWS is desperately in needs of community, fellowship, and self-validation and is seeking these things in the now-defunct OWS camps. In other words, it’s “Occupational Therapy” for them.

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Why I Drink

Seasonal depression isn’t just for bipedal people. Our four-footed family members are often effected by it as well.

Why I Drink
And This Is Why I Drink

Come on, people! What are you thinking? Do you know about the growing “catnip problem” in inner-city felines? πŸ˜†


OK; I know this can go too far. Believe me, I know. I’ve been there and done that.

Solomon Islands monkey-tailed skink (Corucia zebrata)Years and years ago, my first wife and I bred and raised, among many other species, Solomon Islands Monkey-Tailed Skinks (Corucia zebrata) and they roamed freely throughout our house.

Year one they commandeered the Christmas tree and it stayed up year-round from that point.

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