The “Journalists'” Guide

The "Journalists'" Guide To Reporting On Politicians
The “Journalists'” Guide To Reporting On Politicians

While each of the many Lamestream Media outlets has its own guides for how to report on politics, they rarely differ more than in the specific wording and dog-whistles that are to be used. All of them follow the “journalists;” guide shown above with religious fervor.

And that is an existential threat to the very Republic that provides the freedom for the Lamestream Media to operate as it does. Even Malcom X recognized this approximately 50 years ago.

The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s a the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. This is the press, an irresponsible press. It will make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.

— Malcom X

This isn’t new – though Malcom X was mostly wrong about how his sorts were reported upon. It was obvious during the 2007 – 2008 Democrat primaries when the Lamestream Media engineered public opinion away from Hillary Clinton and toward the Black candidate. And then, even more, during the actual 2008 Presidential Election, when the media pilloried Sarah Palin. And it just continued on, escalated, and became more shamelessly overt since then, culminating in their unprecedented attacks upon President Trump, his family – including specifically young Barron, and any and all who weren’t sufficiently hateful towards them.

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21st Century Book Burnings

21st Century Book Burnings
Different in appearance, the same in intent
21st Century Book Burnings

Like all forms of Information Control, book burnings in the modern era may look different than in the past, but they are the same in intent and effect. Whether it’s deplatforming, demonetizing, or silently limiting the reach of posts, it’s all just the book burning of the Internet Age.

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Control Of Information

Control Of Information - A Prerequisite For Tyranny
Control Of Information – A Prerequisite For Tyranny

Some things only change in detail and specific methodology. Whether it’s Goebbels’ Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda (RMVP), Facebook, Twitter, or the insinuative monster that is Google, the strict control of information is a prerequisite for the sought after tyrannical rule. Changing the name or the specific methods of control doesn’t change the fundamental fact of it or the effects it has upon Peoples.

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Have You Ever Wondered?

Have You Ever Wondered?
Have You Ever Wondered?

Truly! Have you ever wondered how many people you’ve “killed” over the last decade by spreading the Flu? I’m guessing no, you haven’t. After all, it never served anyone’s purposes for the Flu, arguably to the most deadly family of virii in human history (Conservatively, 37.5 million deaths in the last century), to be treated as an existential threat to humanity deserving of unlimited and extreme containment measures.

Of course, with the Flu, they always talked about taking measures to protect yourself. But with the Coronavirus, they turned that into taking any and all mandated steps to protect others from your possible infection. That, more than most of the rest of it, is the real cause for concern.

Different Language, Different Details, Still The Same Thing

Mankind has heard this sort of thing before and lived through the dark and wet work of ridding the world of it. Sadly though, we’re hearing it again, if in a different language and with a different focus and details of expression.

The sorts who are so vociferous and strident about the “protective measures” needed to combat COVID-19 paint the rest of us as public enemies because of their version of Nibelungentreue. If you’re a student of modern history, you can almost hear them chanting “Meine Ehre Heisst Treue!” as they make it very clear that we’re not part of their Volksgemeinschaft and that they consider us a threat to it which must be cleansed since, to them, we are very, very much Lebensunwertes Leben.

They don’t wear masks! They don’t stay at home! They have family and friends over! They go to church! They won’t close their businesses! They’re going to kill us all! They need to be stopped!

Yeah, we’ve seen what happens when large swaths of a populace start committing to do anything for the good of the Vaterland. And, in sad truth, even those who so hard against the latest emergence of this methodology in societal control weren’t immune to it. So it can – it has! – happen here.


NOTE: The ‘Rona is not a joke. It is a serious disease that, very much like the oft-ignored Flu, has a high mortality rate among those who are afflicted with underlying conditions that make them less resilient to cardio-pulmonary distress. I firmly believe that it should be treated as such.

How it is being treated, however, is worse than the ‘Rona itself. And that treatment either ignores the Flu or, worse, sets things up for a permanent state of lock-down and draconian state action.

Also, these measures are all predicated upon COVID-19 being a “one-off” situation with an end in thought if not sight, which is patently false. The virus is already mutating and is going to be another pathogen that we have to suffer from for the foreseeable future, again, just like the Flu.

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Unfriending Mark Zuckerberg

Unfriending Mark Zuckerberg
Unfriending Mark Zuckerberg

In some ways, I almost feel sorry for Mark Zukerberg – almost. I might even actually do so if he didn’t so richly deserve pretty much everyone’s despite, and if I were actually capable of extending that level of empathy to an enemy.

Zuckerberg is beset from both sides. Americans rightfully hate and loath him because he’s used Facebook to silence them and shape public opinion to further Democrat agendas. And, at the same time, Democrats and other enemies of the American People loath him because Facebook has been less than totally successful in their attempted censorship.

And it’s not just rank and file Americans and Leftists. House Democrats have demanded his testimony on not preventing Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory and the Dept. of Justice is trying to rescind parts of the law that allows Facebook – and other social media platforms – to pick and choose who and what topics they silence while maintaining their protection from lawsuits.

Yeah, seems that just about everybody is unfriending Mark Zuckerberg. Of course, it’s not like he probably cares. One, he’s already got more money than he could ever reasonably spend. And, Two, it’s not like “unfriending” meant that any significant number of us or the Left have or will stop using his platforms and, thereby, being part of his product portfolio and income stream.

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