Comparative Outrage

It’s a simple comparative study of both the facts of #BlackLivesMatter/#antifa riots and insurrection vs. the singular act of some few Americans storming the Capitol and the result outrage promulgated by the Congressional Democrats and their media.

The findings are equally simple. The nationwide outrage over the assault upon the Capitol is utterly falsely based and manufactured. The Left and their minority sharecroppers are not intrinsically bothered by violence, not even nationwide, extreme violence. They’re only bothered when it’s not Blacks and their “White” enablers committing the violence. And they’re furthered outraged because the assault was caused by the firmly held and not truly unwarranted belief on the part of the Americans involved that the Dems stole the 2020 election in order to install Biden as POTUS.
Tags: #Antifa | #BlackLivesMatter | #MAGA | 2020 Elections | America | Biden | Capitol | Civil War | Democats | Democrats | Election Fraud | Hypocrisy | Insurrection | Lamestream Media | Media Bias | Oikophobia | Outrage | Outrage Culture | Patriots | Race War | Trump | Usurpation | War On Whites