Gay For Pay

Summing up Obama’s “evolved” stance on Gay Marriage is really quite easy. It’s a simple case of his being Gay For Pay.

Obama On Gay Marriage
Sure! Obama Will Go Gay – For $15 Million In Donations

The Obama Campaign and the Dems in general were looking at loosing the financial support of both Queers and seriously pro-Queer donors, a situation made acutely worse by North Carolina passing Amendment 1 by a wide margin, defining marriage solely as a union between a man and a woman in the state’s Constitution.

So the Campaigner-in-Chief, under the direction of his handlers, had to say something, preferable something nuanced with lots of exit pathways and few commitments.

At a certain point, I’ve just concluded that– for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that– I think same-sex couples should be able to get married. Now– I have to tell you that part of my hesitation on this has also been I didn’t want to nationalize the issue. There’s a tendency when I weigh in to think suddenly it becomes political and it becomes polarized.

And what you’re seeing is, I think, states working through this issue– in fits and starts, all across the country. Different communities are arriving at different conclusions, at different times. And I think that’s a healthy process and a healthy debate. And I continue to believe that this is an issue that is gonna be worked out at the local level, because historically, this has not been a federal issue, what’s recognized as a marriage.

Yeah, the boy will do Gay for Pay alright. He’s got limits though – no Full Service; he won’t bend over that far, not when it might cost him more than he’s getting for it. 😉


I’ve got a more important and pressing question than what Obama wants people to believe is his personal stance on Gay Marriage is though. Does America’s newest rent boy think that the queers – single, involved, it’s complicated, or married – could use some jobs?

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Principal’s Office

OK, there’s no real doubt that Gov. Perry’s recent campaign commercial was needlessly hyperbolic. He was only wrong in the extremity of the situation though.

I Said Christmas
Which One Do You Think Will Be Suspended?

Given the levels of political correctness now demanded of the majority of students and the lawfare and paper terrorism engaged in by the Godless over any public expression of religiosity, the rather funny cartoon may well be prophetic.

‘Tis no skin off my nose though. I’m Pagan. Now, when they figure out that Blessed or Merry Yuletide are religious sayings as well, then we’ll have issues. 😆

If you think I’m raving, I remind you that a North Carolina grade school recently suspended a none year-old for sexual harassment because someone overheard him tell another student that a teacher was cute. When that can happen, anything can.

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No Equal Protections

It is a Truth that politics makes for strange bedfellows. More and more I find that I, a Pagan, feel the need to come to the defense of Christians and their organizations in these increasingly bigoted times. People, fueled by both secularists and horribly biased media seem to jump at any chance to attack and persecute Christians in America these days.

Gary Khera, a Sikh was refuse entrance into a Christian chapel when he refused to abide by their restriction of only entering bareheadedThe latest outrage is the false and biased coverage of an incident – which should never have been considered an incident in the first place – in Halifax County, NC. Gary Khera who is a Sikh went to the Union Mission – a Christian church and charity – this week to donate cash or food. Mr. Khera was refused entrance into the Mission’s consecrated grounds because he refused to abide by their restrictions and remove his turban before doing so.

The media – in their knee jerk reaction against anything Christian and most things representing Americana – jumped on this non-incident and gave it biased national coverage. The entire tenor of the MSM’s coverage – and the resulting commentary on news services’ websites, news aggregates such as Digg and the blogosphere – has been that the Union Mission was not only the wrong, but actively evil and un-American.

According to AP (via CBS News):

The mission has a rule – explained in large lettering on the mission’s door – asking all males to removed headcoverings inside the facility, and mission directors asked him to remove the turban. Khera refused to do so because he wears it all day as part of his religion.

So essentially Mr. Khera went to another faith’s religious site and refused to abide their rules on their sanctified property. When he was refused entrance he was outraged and went to the media to vent his spleen. That biased media was more than happy to give him the chance to do so and to give him a national spotlight while doing so.

One has to wonder what would happen if the tables had been reversed and a Christian – had gone to a Sikh temple – called a Gurdwara – to make a donation and refused to abide by the Sikhs’ restrictions. Everyone is required to take off their shoes before entering the Gurdwara and keep their heads covered at all times whilst in the Gurdwara.

I’m fairly sure that the media would have described it as bigoted insensitivity on the part of the Christians if they refused to follow the edicts of the Sikhs in their holy place.

As far as the media is concerned their is no equal protections for Christians when it comes to any clash or conflict of cultures or ideology. This is why I – a Pagan with little love for the Churches of the Christians – side with those persecuted Christians.

The media and the masses they control through disinformation have come for the Christians. If I and other Theists do not stand by those Christians now, who will be left to stand by me and mine when they come for us?

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