Trump’s Obstruction

Trump's Obstruction Of The Dems' Coup Attempt is Obvious
Trump's Obstruction Is Plain As Day. He's been obstructing the Dems' coup attempt against him since before he was even elected
Yep! President Trump’s Obstruction Is Plain As Day

The Democrats and their ilk and co-conspirators, both within the government and the media, have finally left their crack-pipe dreams of Collusion behind in favor of Obstruction.

And they’re right in a twisted, deranged, and ultimately dangerous way. President Trump’s Obstruction of the Democrat-led coup against him is quite evident. He is guilty of defending himself, his office, his People, and his Nation against the concerted attempts by the Left’s Democrats undo and overturn the will of the People.

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More Than Not Trump

More Than Not Trump
Warren Claims Dems Must Be More Than Not Trump

According to Elizabeth Warren, Dems’ message must be more than “not Trump” if they want to retake the halls of political power in America and reshape and remake the country into what they want it to be.

“If your message is ‘not-Trump,’ it’s not going to work,” the Democratic presidential hopeful told about 500 supporters who packed a rally at a high school gymnasium in Reno. “Our job it to talk about our vision.”

And, to some extent – certainly more than 1/1024th so – she’s right. The majority of the sorts who are likely Democrat voters won’t settle for just “Not Trump.” They demand that their chosen ones be that and firmly and stridently against any and all of the Makers in America. In their minds it’s unfair that the productive are more successful than the Eaters and Takers.

But then, that’s the intrinsic nature of the shiftless failures that gravitate to Socialism and Neo-Socialist economic policies. They firmly believe that they deserve more than what they’ve earned and that the difference must be given to them by taking from those who’ve done better for themselves and their progeny.

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The Red Line

The Red Line
The Red Line

Unlike Obama Era empty rhetoric, this is a real Red Line. It has been drawn between our President, acting in the national security interests of the People and to deliver upon one of his campaign promises, and the Democrats, who will do anything to stop our President from doing anything.

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Know The Signs!

Trump Derangement Syndrome – Know The Signs

Whether you still call it by it’s original name, Trump Unacceptance & Resistance Disorder (TURD), Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), or the actual psychological term, Trump Anxiety Disorder (TAD), know the signs of its pathology so that you can protect yourselves, your families, and your nation from those that suffer from its debilitating effects and who present a clear and present danger to themselves and American society.

And it will now get worse as we enter 2019, with the 2020 elections looming on the horizon. Hence, we will be in even greater from these deranged sorts. Be ready to both protect yourselves and your families and to take action to get the sufferers of this madness out of the public and into facilities that properly treat them.

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Symptomatic Of A Destructive Pathology
Symptomatic Of A Destructive Pathology

Yes, this is someone who has totally decompensated and is openly presenting symptoms indicative of a severe mental disorder.

For their own health and the health of society, we need to institutionalize these sorts so that they can properly treated through pharmaceuticals, ECT, and psychotherapy.

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