Obama: You Failed Me

Yesterday, June 19, 2015 Obama gave yet another speech, this time in Beverly Hills, CA, and he was not happy. Apparently, he’s become quite disillusioned and now believes that his constituency has failed him.

“When I ran in 2008, I in fact did not say I would fix it. I said we could fix it,” Obama told an audience of about 250 at a fundraising event here at the stately hillside home of film mogul Tyler Perry. “I didn’t say, ‘Yes, I can.’ I said, ‘Yes, we can.'”

The president continued: “If you’re dissatisfied that every few months we have a mass shooting in this country killing innocent people, then I need you to mobilize and organize a constituency that says this is not normal and we are going to change it.”

— Barack Obama

This, of course, is Obama in a nutshell. The boy hasn’t failed; instead, he’s been failed by anyone and everyone. Or, at least, that’s how Obama’s pettiness and narcissism demands that he see things.

Yet, to borrow Obama’s catchphrase, Let me be clear – he’s not entirely wrong in what he said. A POTUS has deliberately limited ability to affect change and his greatest tool, the Bully Pulpit, only works if people respond to the POTUS’ rhetoric with action…and the Liberals, Progressives, and their minority tenants by and large have repeatedly failed to do so.

The problem with Obama’s belief, attitude, and angry rhetoric is that he’s stupid to believe that his constituency would ever take action. All of them are Statists looking for the Nanny State to take care of them and/or those who they see as possessing “protected traits.” If they were cognitively, emotionally, and philosophically willing and able to take responsibility for getting done what they feel needs to be done they wouldn’t have been likely to need the State to accomplish things in the first place.

True, they elected Obama because he was a Black. Yet they still expected him to be their messiah and to get the jobs they wanted done with as little effort and sacrifice on their parts as was possible.

This again is Obama in a nutshell. The boy doesn’t expect to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear; he expects the sow to do it herself.

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Obama Vetoed Keystone XL

obama-veto-timeYep! Obama vetoed a bill that approved the Keystone XL pipeline which would connect tar sands crude oil in Alberta, Canada with an existing pipeline, allowing 830,000 barrels/day to be pumped to US refineriest.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said the president vetoed the bill almost as soon as it arrived at the White House.

In a message to the Senate, Obama proclaimed:

The presidential power to veto legislation is one I take seriously. But I also take seriously my responsibility to the American people. And because this act of Congress conflicts with established executive branch procedures and cuts short thorough consideration of issues that could bear on our national interest — including our security, safety, and environment — it has earned my veto.

— Barack Hussein Obama

Truly, the only reason this is newsworthy or noteworthy is that Obama actually lived up to his promise – threat really – this time. He’s promised to veto anything that the Republican-led Congress puts on his desk thirteen separate times and this was the first bill in question.

Nor is the stated reason for Obama’s veto shocking for any reason other than its rare honestly. The boy’s stated reason wasn’t even the environment or Global Warming; it was that he demands the approval process solely the jurisdiction of the Executive branch, i.e., him and his people, specifically his State Department.

Of course, Obama is well and truly within his rights as POTUS to veto any and all bills that reach his desk and to do so for any reason or no reason at all. It’s just sad that America is stuck with a POTUS who chooses to excessive those rights out of narcissism, petulance, and childishness.

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Three Little Words

Obama The Pharaoh - Every son that is born you shall cast into the river!In what passes for the relationship between Obama and the American people and the relationship between the boy and we, the People’s duly elected Congress the three little words now most often coming from Obama’s lips aren’t, “I love You.” No! What the boy now screams is, “I Will Veto!”

Of course, if we keep to the relationship analogy, this is to be expected. Obama is an adulterous abuser and, as is sadly common for the Black male, the perpetrator of domestic violence.

This is, even beyond Obama’s racial-cultural proclivities and inclinations, to be expected. The boy is a small and mean person with serious self-image problems that have resulted in a dangerously narcissistic personality disorder. It’s not really any surprise at all that he would take the road he has chosen to shuffle down.

In every election since Obama was installed in the White House the country has voted to make Congress more and more conservative. Yet, Obama’s response to this hasn’t been to shift his policy desires; it’s been to become more and more angry, obstinate, and obstructive to the progress that we, the People have clearly stated we wanted.

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To Obamacize

Americans have always had a great deal of respect and admiration for the plain-spoken man. Unsurprisingly, Obama has always rejected such clear, frank, and honest speech in favor of “nuance.”

To Obamacize
To Obamacize…

Yep! There’s being well-spoken, “with no Negro dialect” and then there’s what Obama does whenever he speaks in public.

The roots of Obamacizing could be overcompensation for choosing to be Black. More likely though, it’s just the boy’s way of trying to both feed his narcissism by making himself sound superior to whoever he speaking at and to always give himself “an out” if called upon any of his lies.

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Burn This Bitch Down

There’s little to say in favor of Louis Head, Michael Brown’s “stepfather” who helped incite the riots, looting, and burning of Ferguson, MO in the wake of Officer Darren Wilson not be indicted by the grand jury. There’s little to say in the buck’s favor but not nothing. His screaming, “Burn this bitch down!” may well be an important teaching moment.

Obama:  Burn This Bitch Down!
Obama to America: Burn This Bitch Down!

Louis Head’s screaming of, “Burn this bitch down!” may explain the entirety of the Obama presidency better than anything else has ever explained it.

Head didn’t get the result that he wanted and his response, typical of a Black who’d been balked by America, was to get angry.  Obama as well didn’t get the result that he wanted and his response, typical of a Black who’d been balked by America, was to get angry.  They may be at opposite ends of the spectrum of violence and immediacy of reaction but the underlying feelings and responses to stimuli are the same.

Seen in the light of the “teaching moment” that Louis Head provided America, Obama’s foreign, economic, and domestic policy decisions and positions make sense now, where once they didn’t.

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