Justice Kavanaugh

Justice Kavanaugh
Justice Kavanaugh!

Yes! This piece of the Dems’ shithole freakshow is over.  On Saturday, October 6, 2018 the Senate Republicans finally ended the Left’s passion play and confirmed Judge Brett Kavanaugh as the 114th Supreme Court Justice, thereby providing many decades during which the proper place of the Constitution can and will be restored.

The Senate Dems led their slavering horde of Feminazis and insane Millennial Snowflakes onto the tracks – or were goaded onto them by that rabid mob – but failed to derail the train coming down those tracks. Not, mind you, that they ever could have stopped Kavanaugh’s confirmation irrespective of how vicious, mendacious, and low their tactics were. The Kavanaugh train was always going to pull into the station and what delay in this our domestic enemies caused was only through the charity showed them by Senate Republicans.

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Well, He Asked For It

And here we see a stupid thug forgetting to be careful about what one asks for lest you receive it in full measure.

Well, He Asked For it

And….SPLAT! 😆 This is most definitely one of the most poetically funny videos I’ve ever seen. That is exactly how the immediate response by law enforcement to these thugs should be.

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Trumping Violence

It’s almost funny how the Lamestream Media keeps retelling the same Leftist shibboleth that Trump supporters are violent. They even blame Trump for the violence those supporters are victims of.

It's not Trump's supporters who are violent
Trump Supporter Are Violent!

The simple truth of the matter is that the vast majority of violence during the 2016 primaries has been perpetrated by followers of Bernie Sanders. Bernie has even supported the violence of these worthless and shiftless #BernOuts and #Sandernistas.

But then, that the way of things in these latter days. There’s a double standard firmly in place, with the MSM and certain elements within our borders holding Americans to a vastly different standard then what they hold themselves and their fellow travelers to.

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