Feliz Dia De La Raza

Dia De La Raza Feliz Dia De La Raza

Today, October 12, large swaths of Spanish-speaking people will celebrate their own version of Columbus Day, Dia De La Raza (Day Of The Race). It’s celebrated on October 12 because on that day in 1492 Christopher Columbus landed in the New World but it is not a celebration of Columbus’ “discovery.” It’s a celebration of Spain and Portugal’s colonization of Central and South America and the creation of the Hispanic “race.”

Yes, you read that right. The Latinos annually celebrate, not just the “discovery” of the New World by Columbus, but its colonization; the destruction of its indigenous civilizations, religions, cultures, and languages; and the genetic genocide of its indigenous peoples through rape and intermarriage.

And nary do we hear a peep of umbrage from the Liberals and Progressives. No, these are “Non-Hispanic Whites” at worst we’re talking about. “Brown people.” People possessed of protected traits that grant them the privilege of never being attacked by our ever-oikophobic Liberals and Progressives. The Latinos “Aren’t White Enough” to generate outrage in the Left.

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Pelosi’s Citizenship Test

As a prophylactic and/or preemptive caveat, this is Nance Pelosi I’m writing out, so normative standards of cognizance, sanity, truthfulness, and allegiance something close to useless to either expect of apply. Still, as so many of our domestic enemies both support her and believe as she does, this bears notice. This is doubly true today as Pelosi’s citizenship test and the metric thereof are core to our current crisis.

Pelosi’s response to Laura Wilkerson, whose 18 year-old son in 2010 was beaten, tortured, killed, and his corpse burned by an illegal immigrant, Hermilio Moralez, would beggar credulity if it weren’t so indicative how the White majority of our domestic enemies think and believe.

I can’t even imagine the pain. I can’t even imagine. There is, there is nothing, I’m sure that can compare to the grief that you have. And so I pray for you. I pray for you. Again, we all pray that none of us has to experience what you have experienced. So thank you for channeling your energy to help prevent something like that from happening. But I do want to say to you, that in our sanctuary cities, our people are not disobeying the law.

These are law-abiding citizens, it enables them to, to be there without being reported to ICE in case of another crime that they might bear witness to.

— Nancy Pelosi

By Pelosi’s standards illegal aliens are law-abiding citizens. Please ignore the objective reality that they are inherently not law-abiding and aren’t citizens. The metrics of Pelosi’s test for legality and citizenship seem to be based solely upon her opinion and the opinions of those who support her continued employment and access to Americans’ taxdollars.

Then, in some sense, this is to be expected from things like Pelosi and those that support her. They hate the existence of nations – if those nations are made up of people of European (read as White) descent, especially America. Hence, they have the strongly held belief that any legal standard beyond residency – by any means – for citizenship is inherently wrong – if the subject in question isn’t of European (read as White) descent.

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Close The Southern Border

The idea of securing America’s southern border by, among other means, building a proper, fortified wall along it to prevent illegal immigrants from crossing out of Mexico into the US is one of the memes intrinsic to the 2016 election. Americans are, by and large, at least somewhat in favor of it, whereas the Liberals and Progressives – and the Latinos of course – hate the idea and anyone and everyone that might entertain it.

This is an almost hilarious position for the ever-bigoted and oikophobic Leftists to hold since they too deeply desire to close the Southern border. They just want the wall in a different place.

mex-border-wall The American Dream
southern-border-wall The Liberal Dream
(Click Either to Enlarge)

Yes, given their hatred for The South and Southerners, especially rural and/or blue collar Southerners, nobody rightfully claiming sanity can say that the Liberals and Progressives don’t desire for some form of segregation, travel restrictions, and veritable apartheid to be enacted upon the South.

Of course, given the nature of reality, such a thing might harm the South far less than our domestic enemies wish and benefit them far, far less than they hope for. 😉

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Liberals Fear Latinos?

Almost every election and during the course of many court cases Americans have to hear how various and sundry Liberals and Progressives claim that they will emigrate to Canada if things don’t go their way. This is especially true right now with Donald Trump being the presumptive Republican Nominee for POTUS.

Liberal Latinophobes
Liberal Latinophobes

This is especially ironic since our domestic enemies at once deride Trump and a racist and always say they’re going to ever-so-White Canada and never oh-so-brown Mexico.

Seems to me that these hand wringing, abuse spewing Leftists are actually afraid of- and hateful towards Latinos, the very demographic that they so vocally pander to and claim that Americans oppress so horribly. Elsewise, why wouldn’t they ever threaten to move to Mexico with its socialized medicine, lower cost of living, and generally nicer climate?

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Hillary’s American Values

Hillary's Mexican VoteHillary’s ideas about what constitutes America’s values seem a bit skewed away from both the normative and the Liberals’ and Progressives’ antithetical counter-values.

Of course Hillary is infamous for her “floating point” values and for “triangulating” them to fit her audience and to what will benefit herself the most at that time.

Still, her campaign’s position on the longstanding term, “anchor babies” is a departure from Hillary’s normally carefully crafted to be meaningless positions and rhetoric.

During a press conference today, Jeb Bush tried to outdo Donald Trump and other Republican presidential candidates by doubling down on the hateful term ‘anchor baby’ when referring to the U.S. born children of immigrants.

It’s a disgrace to see these candidates attack a group of American citizens who not only have the same rights as everybody else in this country but also represent the very values this country was built on.

So, apparently Hillary’s campaign believes that criminally violating a sovereign nation’s borders and breeding within them to ensure that one will not be forcibly ejected are very values this country was built on. That’s a sharp, leftward departure from the traditional American view.

It’s also a broad drift from her Leftist base’s normal position as well since the only things even remotely resembling illegal immigration and the breeding of anchor babies that has ever been condoned or accepted by the American people is the original colonization of America by European immigrants and our later westward expansion, both of which resulted in the destruction of the continents original, indigenous peoples. Last I heard, those Liberals and Progressives were pretty dead-set on stridently reviling those bits of history.

As usual, Hillary’s views of America’s values are her own and don’t match up with the normative stance. At least not when her mouthpiece to the Hispanics, Lorella Praeli – herself an anchor baby – is speaking to a group of Hispanic agitators, most of whom are illegal immigrants, anchor babies, or accessories to illegal immigration.

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