Feliz Dia De La Raza

Dia De La Raza Feliz Dia De La Raza

Today, October 12, large swaths of Spanish-speaking people will celebrate their own version of Columbus Day, Dia De La Raza (Day Of The Race). It’s celebrated on October 12 because on that day in 1492 Christopher Columbus landed in the New World but it is not a celebration of Columbus’ “discovery.” It’s a celebration of Spain and Portugal’s colonization of Central and South America and the creation of the Hispanic “race.”

Yes, you read that right. The Latinos annually celebrate, not just the “discovery” of the New World by Columbus, but its colonization; the destruction of its indigenous civilizations, religions, cultures, and languages; and the genetic genocide of its indigenous peoples through rape and intermarriage.

And nary do we hear a peep of umbrage from the Liberals and Progressives. No, these are “Non-Hispanic Whites” at worst we’re talking about. “Brown people.” People possessed of protected traits that grant them the privilege of never being attacked by our ever-oikophobic Liberals and Progressives. The Latinos “Aren’t White Enough” to generate outrage in the Left.

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Columbus Day!

It’s Columbus Day so we Americans are going to be forced to hear and/or read various rants about genocide and American Imperialism…and various and sundry insults about Christopher Columbus. Pretty much, only Thanksgiving brings out the Anti-Americanism of the Liberals and Progressives more than Columbus Day.

Hot Indian Princess
Happy Columbus Day!

So here’s a bit of Native American beauty to leaven the screeds and rants, and a reminder that not all, or even most, of our ancestors’ – assuming you even have an ancestor that was here at the time – relations with the indigenous population were unpleasant. 😉

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