Thanksgiving, The Other Side

Thanksgiving, The Other Side

Yeah, let’s not forget the other side of the semi-mythical First Thanksgiving. There were Native Americans aka Amerindians there too. In point of fact, what documentation exists says that there were roughly 90 Wampanoag tribesmen there and only 50 colonist – which were all the Pilgrims who had actually survived to that point.

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Be Thankful For Greatness

Be Thankful For Greatness because Donald Trump Made Thanksgiving great again
Be Thankful For Greatness

My fellow Americans, we should be thankful for the greatness that Donald Trump has already restored to America, especially the holiday we’ve just finished celebrating, Thanksgiving. This is because this is the first Thanksgiving in many years when we, the People weren’t bombarded by anti-White and anti-American screeds about the Pilgrims and our western expansion. This is because this was irst Thanksgiving in many years when we, the People didn’t have to hear about or deal with Liberals and Progressives working out how to “correct” their “problematical” relatives and how to steer the dinner conversation into being more anti-White and anti-American screeds.

So be thankful for this. Be thankful that Trump’s shocking triumph or the Left has broken the hearts and minds of our domestic enemies so badly that they don’t even know how to approach or bother us anymore, much less have the will to do so.

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Thanksgiving 2016

Thanksgiving  hate rants in 3...2...1...Thanksgiving Hate Rants In 3…2…1…

In America, it’s almost Thanksgiving. As such, we’re likely to be inundated with anti-Thanksgiving, anti-White, and anti-American rantings online by the Liberals and Progressives. Hence, I’ve decided to “Trump” their expected whining, ranting, and raving with a picture of a very beautiful White – blonde even – woman in Native American garb.

I figure that, if they’re going to bitch, I might as well see how many of their “triggers” I can pull in the same post. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Happy Thanksgiving

Niki As IndianHappy Thanksgiving

To all my fellow Americans – I wish you a happy Thanksgiving. To the Liberals and Progressives – I leave you with the quandary of whether or not you can bring yourself to bitch about a Black immigrant dressed as an “Indian Princess.” ๐Ÿ˜›

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Columbus Day!

It’s Columbus Day so we Americans are going to be forced to hear and/or read various rants about genocide and American Imperialism…and various and sundry insults about Christopher Columbus. Pretty much, only Thanksgiving brings out the Anti-Americanism of the Liberals and Progressives more than Columbus Day.

Hot Indian Princess
Happy Columbus Day!

So here’s a bit of Native American beauty to leaven the screeds and rants, and a reminder that not all, or even most, of our ancestors’ – assuming you even have an ancestor that was here at the time – relations with the indigenous population were unpleasant. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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