The Convington Crucifixion

The Convington Crucifixion
The Convington Crucifixion

The only thing wrong about the political cartoon above is that the Left’s
legionarii, the fake news purveying Lamestream Media has not, with one exception, admitted to being in the wrong for crucifying Nick Sandmann and his fellow Covington Catholic High School students. No, they, having set the narrative that these boys were racists – of course, they’re young, White soon-to-be men – the MSM has for the most part just used their own brand of apologetics to make it seem that all those Leftists who’ve called for everything up to the students’ murder had some reasonable or, at least, understandable motivation for their threats… which, of course, shouldn’t be taken seriously in the first place since they’re Democrats.

By this point it should be more than clear that the MSM as a whole and its “journalists” in specific as individuals are the open and unabashed enemies of we, the People. It should be equally clear that they will bear false witness against us and our children, even unto inciting violence against us and them.

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Webb’s White Privilege

CNN’s Areva Martin Decries Webb’s White Privilege

As a lot of people already know, CNN’s “Legal Analyst,” Areva Martin recently accused David Webb of being a racist or, at least very much not “woke” while being interviewed on his Sirius XM radio show, “Patriot” while discussing race, job qualifications, and applying for jobs .

“Ive chosen to cross different parts of the media world, done the work so that I’m qualified to be in each one,” Webb, a host on Fox Nation, told Martin in the interview. I never considered my color the issue; I considered my qualifications the issue.

To which Martin, a civil rights attorney who co-hosts the syndicated talk show Face the Truth,” responded: “Well, David, that’s a whole other long conversation about white privilege, the things that you have the privilege of doing, that people of color don’t have the privilege of.

“How do I have the privilege of white privilege?” Webb asked.

“David, by virtue of being a white male you have white privilege. This whole long conversation, I don’t have time to get into -“

“Areva, I hate to break it to you, but you should’ve been better prepped,” Webb interrupted. “I’m Black.”

OK! Honestly, that’s just about as funny as things can get. Some professional race-baiting grifter – Martin’s a “Civil Rights” attorney – getting hoist on her own hate-fueled petard is hilarious and always will be so to me. Schadenfreude, it’s real.

Petards Mean Sappers

Funny or not though, Martin’s mistake highlights some of racial problems and problem causers inside America’s borders. We’ve too many like Martin who make a career out of racism and who see everything through the lens of “oppression,” and who – displaying a level hypocrisy well past the border of the absurd – make ignorance- and envy-fueled assumptions about people, e.g., assuming Mr. Webb being White because his opinion was contrary to “Being Black.”

And, of course, to people like Areva Martin and those, such as CNN, who pander to- and enable her sort, “White” equals “Bad.” “White” equals the “Oppressors,” either those seen as active so or merely those who have “benefited” from “Whiteness.”

But Webb Is White

Remember race is a social construct with little to no scientific significance outside of the modern pseudo-sciences of psychology and sociology. Therefor, Mr. Webb’s “Whiteness” or “Blackness” is also just a social construct and social constructs are determined by opinion and bias less than by a specific set of empirical facts

And yes, I make no bones about considering psychology and sociology to be pseudo-sciences. They’re both more of an art than a science and both are plagued by extreme biases.

And, as Mr. Webb is not maintaining the Black Narrative or behaving in a “Black Enough” manner, he’s essentially White. This is because the cultural gatekeepers of Blackness view that as the sin of Respectability Politics, something that they don’t willing tolerate.

Respectability politics is, at its root, the inability to look into the cold dark void of history. For if black people are – as I maintain – no part of the problem, if the problem truly is 100 percent explained by white supremacy, then we are presented with a set of unfortunate facts about our home.

Ta-Nehisi Coates
“Charles Barkley and the Plague of ‘Unintelligent’ Blacks”

And yeah, the Black Enough Blacks and those that make their living off of that particular narrative have names for such people: Uncle Tom, Oreo, Sell-Out, Race Traitor, Graham Cracker, and House Nigger to name the most common ones. But they all mean White or too close in culture and thought to being White.

So, while in one sense, Marin was stupidly and ignorantly wrong, in other ways – the ways that matter to her and her people – she was right.

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The Waba Squaw Is Running

The Waba Squaw is running is running in 2020
The Waba Squaw Is Running

Yep! Elizabeth Warren, the Waba Squaw, has thrown her “hat” into the ring for the 2020 Democrat Presidential Nomination circus. 😉

Of course, with her Identity Crisis and tendency towards unforced errors, most political pundits don’t give her good odds of securing the nomination, much less being able to unseat President Trump. Hence, Fauxcahontas’ election bid is morel likely to be a stunt meant to gain her money through book deals or some such than a serious attempt to gain the Presidency.

In any event, it should be a fun shit show to watch. 😆

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Please! Cue Up That Screed

Please! Cue Up That Screed
Please! Cue Up That Screed, Jackass

Oh yes! I do so hope that the Jackasses of the Left, especially the Feminazi cunts, have the chutzpah to actually cue up and launch into one of their screeds on “White Privilege” and “Toxic Masculinity” when the three front-runners for the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination are: Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Beto O’Rourke – all well-to-do White men and all with a history of “inappropriate” behavior towards women.

But we all know that they will cue up that screed and rant it to world and uncaring heavens, don’t we? After all, “it’s not the same thing” in their minds any more than Clinton, Franken, or Ellison are the same thing – again, in their minds.

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Sadly Unheeded Wisdom

A Message To The Left – Unheeded Wisdom

And here are very much needed words of wisdom for the Left from a brave young man, Devon Stack. Sadly, unheeded wisdom is the hallmark of failure and, hence, an essential piece of the Liberals’ and Progressives’ dogma. As such, they’ll never listen.

No, the Left and those that they pander to- and enable, through their hatred, their spite, and their unending attacks upon the average American, are responsible for causing a condition to develop in this country which will create a climate that will bring seeds up out of the ground with vegetation on the end of them looking like something these people never dreamed of outside of their worst nightmares.

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