It eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month exactly a century ago that the armistice that ended World War I was signed at Compiègne, France. Yes, it was exactly 100 years ago that the surviving men of that generation from 32 countries could breathe a sigh of relief and think of going home.
Yet, many millions never went home, save as corpses to be buried or as mere tokens used to keep count. And, as the years and decades past time in perfect order and “The War To End All Wars” was supplanted by later, more romantic conflicts, even the count became something of import only to some few scholars, those men long gone having passed from remembrance, with the last of their surviving fellows having died on May 5, 2011 at the age of 110.
‘Tis to our shame I think that we spare no time to either review or remember those brave souls nor the war they died in.
Tags: Armistice | Death | History | Holidays | Remembrance Day | Society | Soldiers | War | World War 1 | WW1