They Don’t All Hate Us

It’s pretty easy and fairly rational, given their normative behaviors, rhetoric, and attitudes, to believe that the Blacks as a whole hate America – or, as many of them are fond of saying, “Amerikkka” or “Ameriklan.” This is, however, a too simplistic and dualistic position. The Blacks aren’t completely monolithic and they don’t all hate us.

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The Blacks – They Don’t All Hate Us

As you can see and hopefully enjoy, not all the Blacks hate us and some have no issues with draping themselves in our symbols and the trappings of Americana.

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White House Flagging

What with the advances in technologies and the growing “showmanship” of the White House and all, it’s not really a surprise that they’d use lights for flagging the resident’s position and preferences.

Be that as it may, one has to be careful to maintain one’s political correctness when encountering such White House Displays lest one be branded some form of bigot or worse, a devout Christian by the Liberals and Progressives. It’s important to love that right things…

Faggot HouseBetter Learn To Love This!

Of course it’s not enough to profess love of what you’re told to love. It’s also necessary to hate what you’re told to hate, lest the Political Correctness police come for you and try to destroy you through paper terrorism, lawfare, or other means.

Confederate HouseBetter Hate This!

And that’s just how it is. America’s domestic enemies want to force we, the People to support and endorse what they declare we should and to hate and revile what they claim we should. Failure to do either is seen by them as reason for persecution and destruction. You are left with but two stark choices: obey the mandates of the Liberals and Progressives in order to avoid attack, or stand by your principles and suffer such.

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Subhuman’s Trafficking

It’s no surprise. After Dylann Roof put down 9 Blacks inside Charleston, SC’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church Obama got up and attacked the Confederate Flag.

It’s true a flag did not cause these murders. But as people from all walks of life now acknowledge…the flag has always represented more than just ancestral pride. For many, black and white, that flag was a reminder of systemic oppression and racial subjugation. We see that now. Removing the flag from this state’s capitol would not be an act of political correctness. It would not be an insult to the valor of Confederate soldiers. It would simply be an acknowledgment that the cause for which they fought—the cause of slavery—was wrong.

Let us as a hand-out to Obama ignore the wrongness of Obama’s position upon the Confederacy’s banner. After all, at the beginning and the end of the day, and every misspent moment in between, Obama is a Black and only a Black. One must make allowances for the boy’s hatred of the flag of his ancestors’ masters.

But such charity or largess of tolerance should not be extended towards Obama’s rank hypocrisy. In this egregious yet typical case it is the boy’s insistence last month that the codicil in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that prevented nations that engage in in slavery from being part of major trade deals with America be modified so that any country that is declared to be taking “concrete” steps toward reducing human trafficking and forced labor can be part of a trade deal.

Ah well. This is Obama and such behaviors should and must be be expected from him.

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Flagging Equivalency

Within America’s borders certain sorts hate the Flag of the Confederacy and others love it. Both groups, however, seem to have little true understanding of it or its symbolism. Instead, they project their own feelings upon it.

Liberals, Progressives, and the ever-angry Blacks claim the Flag of the Confederacy is about nothing but hate and racism. Southerners claim it’s all about history and heritage. Insofar as I can see – and I’m a born and raised Southerner – both groups fail to truly understand. The Flag of the Confederacy of the Confederacy is called the Rebel Flag for a reason.


Real Equivalency In Flags
(Click to Enlarge)

There truly is a direct equivalency between the Confederate Flag, the Republic of Ireland’s flag, and the flag of the Palestinians. All are “rebel flags” and all represent people and forces that engaged in violent rebellion, though, fortunately for Americans, only the last two can be truly linked to ongoing terrorism and insurrection.

Remember, “The South Shall Rise Again” are not merely empty words anymore than “Sinn Féin,” or “Palestine!” are merely empty words. Those words are the motto, mantra, and promise of people’s who want to determine for themselves how live and govern the lands that they claim as being their own.

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Equality Of Hate

One thing about hate in modern America, it’s very much based upon bias, bigotry, and prejudice. Far be it from most people living within America’s borders to accept an equality of hate.

If one is hate, both are hateHate – Separate But Equal

America’s domestic enemies, the Liberals and their minority sharecroppers, loath the Flag of the Confederacy and claim it’s a symbol of hate and nothing more. However, they have no issues with the raised Black fist war banner of the Black Power movement. Indeed, it has proven impossible to convince them that if one flag is about hate, then both of them are so.

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