Our New Businesswear

Our New Businesswear In The Post-Coronavirus America
Our New Businesswear In The Post-Coronavirus America

Yeah, we can all forget about suits and ties. We can say goodbye to sport coats or blazers with a button-down shirt and slacks. We’ll even need to leave our polo shirts and chinos in the closet. The days of the various businesswear dress codes are over.

Yes, the new businesswear for Coronavirus and beyond is and will be pajamas, a comfy robe, and slippers. There’s no point in anything, given that telecommuting / remote work is currently “required” for most people and that is not going to change even after the panic over this disease fades in favor of the media’s next trick.

This Is Our New “Reality”

Don’t expect things to go back to how they were before. This is our new normal. There may be a short term rush back to the office, but it won’t last for most of us. We’ll fairly quickly be heading back home to telecommute.

Companies in several verticals have now learned that they can have mostly remote workers and they’ll quickly realize that it is cheaper and more profitable to continue this.

And there’s even the perfect, recurring rationale for it. COVID-19 is functionally “just” a severe seasonal flu. So, next year’s flu season has just as much “need” for self-quarantining, social distancing, and sheltering in place to some extent. The seasonal flu does, after all, kill 12,000 – 61,000 Americans every year and hospitalizes another 140,000 – 810,000.

So yeah, better for the companies’ bottom line and easily rationalized as a responsible and compassionate course of action. Get used to your jammies, robe, and slippers, my friends. 😉

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Dems’ Uphill Battle

The Dems' Uphill Battle Is Against The Growing Real Economy Under President Trump
The Dems’ Uphill Battle

That’s the blessed truth! The uphill battle that the Democrats face going into the 2020 elections is the growing and greatening American economy under- and somewhat because of President Trump. It’s really hard to successfully oust a POTUS who is actually doing what the American people say that the President should be both doing and focusing upon.

Then, I’m pretty sure that those running the Democrat Party both know this and expected the problem from the get-go. Such knowledge and expectation would explain their ongoing coup attempts through means both outside the law and the electorate.

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Signs Of Our Times

Signs Of Our Times

These are the signs of our times, especially these election times. The Republicans stand for jobs, whereas the Democrats stand for mobs. Hence, Americans have a simple but stark choice before them right now. We can take the first, best step in stopping the Left, or we can meekly surrending to cowardice and allow our domestic enemies a victory over our nation, our culture, and our people.

No not be fooled; do not be complacent; do not cleave to false hopes that you will not have to act. Our democracy and the very foundations of our nation are under existential threat right now, and all it will take for evil to win is for Americans to do nothing.

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The Choice Is Ours

Jobs Not Mobs, The Choice Is Ours To Make
The Choice Is Ours – Jobs Not Mobs

With the very important for the future of our nation 2018 Midterm Elections right around the corner, I believe that’s it’s imperative for each and every American to remember that the Choice Is Ours! We can vote for Republicans and jobs or we can allow the Democrats’ mobs to win over we, the People. It’s that simple and that dire.

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Record Setters

Record Setters
Record Setters

Words can be important, but both actions and the results that really matter. Hence, a POTUS – any POTUS – should be judged upon his record and the records, if any, that he sets. 😉

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