Palliative At Best

I’m really not sure how many, measured in numbers or by percent of the population, Americans really believe that the ending of the Obama Regime will solve our nation’s problems. Frankly, I don’t want to know because it’d probably depress me too much.

Obama's a symptom or opportunistic parasite, not the underlying disease
Removing Obama Is Palliative At Best

The end of Obama is nothing more than palliative care for our sick nation. The boy can be described as either a symptom or an opportunist parasite infecting our weakened country. He’s not the underlying disease. At most he’s a secondary infection.

No. The disease plaguing America is a moral and cultural cancer. It’s tumors are the Liberals and Progressives whose oikophobia and moral turpitude have caused them to attack the basic cultural mores and norms of America. And, given that this cancer has metastasized, any treatment for America with a decent chance of success is going to be a harsh one akin to aggressive chemotherapy and radiation treatment combined with excising of diseased and dead tissues.

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Is Incest Best?

LGBT Rainbow FlagIn the wake of the SCOTUS declaring that all 50 states must allow queers to marry it is now, more than ever, a good time to ask, is incest best. Should you put your sister or daughter to the test? Is it true that the family that lays together stays together?

We’ve been greasing that slope for decades and it now the time to ask these questions.

Really! Given the dogma surrounding the queers’ demands, i.e., “Love is Love,” and that what two consenting adults do to and with each other carnally is nobody’s business, what basis are we left with to say that, as long as your sister and/or daughter is of the age of consent, it’s legally wrong to fornicate with her?

We certainly can no longer claim to disallow adult – as defined as of the Age of Consent – incest must be illegal because it is immoral; proponents of “sexual freedom” have declaimed time and time again that morality must not be the basis of law. Likewise, we no longer claim to disallow incest because it is abhorrent and repugnant to the majority of Americans; homosexuality is similarly abhorrent and repugnant to the majority of Americans and they are allowed to sodomize each other and marry each other. So what are we left with?

Yep! Right now there’s probably a Liberal reading this whose head is about to explode because he, she, or it will not or cannot think beyond their hatred of normative American culture.

Of course, consensual incest between adults is legal already legal in a surprising number of nations, including those in Europe. Indeed, in Germany where incest – there defined solely as vaginal intercourse – is illegal, the government’s Ethics Council recommended last year to legalize incest between adult siblings, stating that it is not appropriate for a criminal law to preserve a social taboo. They further claimed that the law against incest “put couples in a tragic situation.”

In the case of consensual incest among adult siblings, neither the fear of negative consequences for the family, nor the possibility of the birth of children from such incestuous relationships can justify a criminal prohibition.

The fundamental right of adult siblings to sexual self-determination has more weight in such cases than the abstract protection of the family.

The German Ethics Council’s recommendation sounds like a disturbingly familiar and horrifically successful argument to me. At this point what counterargument are we left with?

And sadly, the laws on the books concerning incest in the United States vary greatly from state to state, with some forms of incest already being perfectly legal in more jurisdictions than one might think or hope for. Hence, the same foundation as that used to make queer marriage the law of the land has already been laid.

Face it, with the Liberals and Progressives stripping of “bright lines” from the law there’s nothing left to stop incest between adults from being made legal. Nor is there any still legally sound means of preventing other, similar atrocities from being legalized, especially when they are based solely upon arbitrary social conventions and mores.

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That Shit Be Black!

Most reasoning people in America have to shake their heads in bafflement whenever a celebrity, especially and actor or actress, feels both the need to- and that it is their place to weigh in on serious issues.

A quite interesting example of this phenomenon is the recent video from Amandla Stenberg, Don’t Cash Crop My Cornrows, in which the 16 year-old actress lambasts certain form of “cultural appropriation” by Whites.

Don’t Cash Crop On My Cornrows

Young Ms. Stemberg’s dissertation on the percieved evils of Whites adopting bits and pieces of Black Culture was eloquent and respectful, delivered with restraint and a voice carrying the compelling emotion that one would expect from a professional performer. Yet, at the end of the day, however, all Stenberg is really saying is, “Step off, Whitey! That shit be Black.” This is an interestingly hypocritical position for a light-skinned – possibly, if not probably, lightened-skinned – young female who obviously spends considerable time, effort, and money achieving “Good Hair,” i.e., White Hair, to be taking and espousing.

Of course, with Amandla Stenberg being a Light Girl, she may feel a lot of pressure to speak so in order to prove that she’s “Black Enough.” Hence, we should give her the hand-out of tolerance.

Yet, possibly inadvertently, Stenberg brought up one of the underlying problems that America is forced to with when confronting the problem of the Blacks within our borders. The “Black Community” are not and do not want to be Americans in a way shape or form except for legalistically and then only when it benefits them without impinging upon their deep-seated need to both other than- and antithetical to normative American society.

Generationally speaking, this behavior of the “Black Community” is recent but it is accelerating along predictable lines and with an equally predictable ending. Truly, it goes no further back than the end of segregation and with each removal of the physical separation of Blacks from the rest of America Black Culture has responded by being more exilic and more outre.

Ironically, the “Black Community,” coping with the end of segregation, wants and demands to be separate but equal. Sadly, the separateness is based upon cultural norms that are willfully at odds with those of America as whole.

Thus we arrive at Ms. Stenberg’s video. It’s simply a product of the “Black Community” striving to be a different and separate from normative American culture as possible in the wake of there being no barrier to their assimilation – social, societal, and psychological immigration really, for they are foreigners – into America as a whole.

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Relatively Offensive

Here in the Civilized World we’re repeatedly inundated by calls to not offend the Muslims, especially not to openly mock their cult or their cult’s prophet. This normally reoccurs whenever the Muslims respond to being offended with savage violence such as their Charlie Hebdo massacre.

Offended Muslims
Offended Muslims

Let us for a moment set aside the cowardly basis for these apologetics and calls for censorship and focus upon the core idea of the Muslims’ offense at such things. After all, the Dhimmis and Oikophobes who demand that we show respect for Islam and not mock the cult, its prophet, or adherents do have a point. Doing so greatly and dramatically offends the Muslims and goads a significant number of them to violence.

Consider This:

If the Muslims are that offended by such mockery that they have to resort to violence and/or lawfare to assuage their outrage, they have no business living in the Civilized World with its freedoms and pluralism. Simply and bluntly put, the Muslims are unfit for the West just as the West is unfit for the Muslims.

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Go Ahead, Be Nasty

The American people are fairly judgmental and, with a few horrid exceptions, fairly discerning as well. We’ve little, if anything, good to say about those individuals or groups who fail to live up to the baseline standards of our nation and our culture. Shunning and shaming those who don’t meet the expectations of our cultural norms and mores has been a part of American society since before we were a nation.

So, when you see someone like this, go ahead, be nasty.

Go Ahead, Be Nasty

Of course, in these latter, degenerate times, don’t say a word if you see someone like this. That’d be politically incorrect and “horribly racist.”

Ghetto "Mother"
Don’t Say A Word, Racist

Yes, the Black bitch is as bad, if not significantly worse, than the White Trash bitch. Yes, too say anything about her would only be applying the same standard as one applied to the White depicted above. None of that matters. Since she’s a Black it’s politically incorrect and “racist” to speak ill of her in any fashion.

And this is one of the greatest of America’s more recent failings. Now, to avoid being labelled as racists – and to avoid widespread violent and disruptive “protests” by the Blacks and their oikophobic Liberal and Progressive enablers and panderers – we are forced to apply different, race-based standards to people’s behavior.

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