Delivering Pizza In 2012

Business, with the possible exception of the financial sector, is difficult in America during these times. The economy is still in the tank and looks to continue to be that way for the foreseeable future, largely because of the policies and rhetoric of the current regime.

This is especially true for consumer industries that have over the years pared themselves down to the point where one brand is little different from the next…such as fast food or pizza delivery.

Pizza Delivery - The quest for brand differentiators
Pizza Delivery – Questing For Brand Differentiators

Fortunately, American businesses are innovative and adaptable. Those in competition with each other for direct consumer business are especially so and they’ve learned that ensuring consumer satisfaction is the best way to achieve a happy ending for all concerned. 😆

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Obama Built That

As I’ve mentioned before, Obama had little, if anything, to do with America’s recent economic meltdown. The foundations for that were laid decades ago.

Consistent 8%+ unemployment - Obama Built That
Rampant 8%+ Unemployment – Obama Built That

The boy is, however, the primary – though not sole – cause of the continued unsustainable unemployment rates in America. It is his policies and, even more so, his rhetoric of “eat the rich” and class warfare that has American businesses too scared of the near-term future to invest their warchests in expanding their businesses domestically and hiring more American workers.

Once again though, while Obama built that, he didn’t in any way that I can see architect it. He was and is nothing more than day laborer hired to pile bricks unto the back of the private sector by those individuals and groups who stood to gain from a weakened American private sector, expanded public sector, and a dependent population.

In any event, the situation will not improve – abiding by the law of change, it may well worsen – until Obama is, by one means or another, removed from office. It might not even change with any rapidity then due to how badly damaged our economy is now and how much companies have had to adapt to survive that damage.

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That’s Exactly Right!

It’s quite rare that can read or hear anything that this trumped-up, little, bastard by-blow of 1960’s rebellion, Obama says and say, “That’s exactly right!” It does happen upon rare occasions though.

That’s exactly right. And and, you know, a year from now I think people are going to see that we’re starting to make some progress. But there’s still going to be some pain out there. If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.

— President Obama
February 02, 2009, The Today Show

Well, it’s been over three years and, if improving the American economy was what he was supposedly going to “get done,” he’s made no progress. Indeed, he’s made matters far worse – far worse even then his Liberal cronies in Congress have managed to do – with his incessantly repeated class-warfare and anti-business sentiments.

Boy! You’ve got nascent but still huge and stinking economic catastrophe on your hands. You did built that! Nobody else made that happen.

Even more than ObamaCare’s overwhelming costs to businesses – costs all centered upon adding or maintaining employees, it is the climate of fear that Obama has instill in businesses that is keeping American unemployment numbers grievously high. Every time Obama attacks businesses, threatens to bypass Congress to do things via Executive Orders, or voices support for the rabble of OWS, he increases this climate of fear and causes corporations to tighten their purses in order to hopefully weather the storm that they fear Obama will bring.

Obama Has a Dream
Obama’s Dream – An American Nightmare

So yes, Obama is exactly right and there must be a one-term proposition, no matter what that takes, if America is going to recover in our lifetime or, possibly, ever.

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Road To Recovery

The American economy, bogged down in an extended recession, is not walking swiftly down the road to recovery. In point of fact, it seems to be trudging slowly and painfully down the road to recovery with only slow improvements and few jobs for the American people.

This is not surprising since American businesses and corporation are forced to drag the huge, dead weight of government intervention along with them down that road.

The economy can make few strides on the road to recovery when force to drag the weight of government intervention
The Road To Recovery

One can argue that any specific piece of government intervention into the market is necessary. One cannot, however, rationally dispute that almost all forms of government regulation have a chilling effect upon the economy. One also cannot rationally argue that these prior restraints upon trade have a disproportionate negative effect during times of economic crisis such as America now finds itself in.

To make matters worse, most occurrences of government intervention into the private sphere are politically motivated and the laws, regulations, and “fixes” are neither straightforward or equitable. They are instead laden with handouts to the politicians’ backers and supporters.

It comes down to one’s priorities. If one wants the economy to recover more quickly and robustly, one has to free it from the shackles of government intervention. If one wants to favor other interests or to have a slower growing, managed economy – paying the price in the loss of “booms” in order to avoid “busts” – one can continue on in the manner of the current regime.

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Staff Notice

American corporations, faced with shifts in paradigm and intensifying competition in the global economy, have been forced to think outside the box and to adopt business practices long since deprecated in the US. New policies have begun to be enacted…

Work Break Policy Notice
Our New “Work Break” Policy

The SEIU, AFL-CIO, and UAW have vowed to fight this policy shift in the courts and in the streets. They fought for decades to end this practice and protect their members from having to actually work and they’re not about to let Management put an end to that. 😆

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