Misplaced Mistrust

Obama In A Hoodie - Thug is as thug doesThere’s one thing aside from arrogance, lack of propriety, and pathological mendacity that the American people can always trust Obama to do and do well – use race- or classed-based fear, hatred, and envy to stir up the Democrats’ key constituencies. The weight of the history of the boy’s efforts in these arenas cannot and should not be ignored by the American people, who are the ones targeted for reprisals by Obama.

And, of course he can find fecund ground for his screeds, being wise enough to stick to- and tailor his hate-speech to easily manipulated demographics. As an example, I present excepts of Obama’s recent remarks to the Congressional Black Caucus.

During the course of Obama’s speech his “took on” the grave issue of Ferguson and what it was indicative of…in a manner, of course, that set very well with the thugs-in-suits that make up the CBC.

Firstly, Obama tacitly excused the rioting and looting by the Blacks in Ferguson, MO. He made their feral response to the situation to be a possibly sad but definitely worthwhile thing since it sensationalized the mistrust between Blacks and the Police.

Now, I won’t comment on the investigation. I know that Michael’s family is here tonight. I know that nothing any of us can say can ease the grief of losing a child so soon. But the anger and the emotion that followed his death awakened our nation once again to the reality that people in this room have long understood, which is, in too many communities around the country, a gulf of mistrust exists between local residents and law enforcement.

Of course, this was expected and the only way that Obama could mention the Ferguson race riots while standing in front of the CBC. Hence, it could almost be excused since condemning the CBC’s constituencies for engaging in the “time honored” Black pursuit of rioting and looting would have been foolish. Nor is this a new rhetorical position for the boy.

What was equally expected but far worse was Obama’s misplacing of that distrust between Blacks and law enforcement and the blame for such pervasive and endemic distrust.

Too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement, guilty of walking while black, or driving while black, judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness. We know that, statistically, in everything from enforcing drug policy to applying the death penalty to pulling people over, there are significant racial disparities. That’s just the statistics. One recent poll showed that the majority of Americans think the criminal justice system doesn’t treat people of all races equally. Think about that. That’s not just blacks, not just Latinos or Asians or Native Americans saying things may not be unfair. That’s most Americans.

And that has a corrosive effect — not just on the black community; it has a corrosive effect on America. It harms the communities that need law enforcement the most. It makes folks who are victimized by crime and need strong policing reluctant to go to the police because they may not trust them. And the worst part of it is it scars the hearts of our children. It scars the hearts of the white kids who grow unnecessarily fearful of somebody who doesn’t look like them. It stains the heart of black children who feel as if no matter what he does, he will always be under suspicion. That is not the society we want. It’s not the society that our children deserve. Whether you’re black or white, you don’t want that for America.

How about the mistrust the “Black community” sows in police officers who have to patrol or respond to those hoods? What Obama ignores, willfully or through cultural blindness, is that every single time a law enforcement officer enters the hood, he or she is entering what amounts to a foreign and enemy land. Effectively, they’re “in country” and forced by basic survival instincts to behave as such.

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White Activist Groups

America is inundated by various non-White racial activist groups such as the: NAACP, Black Panthers, National Action Network, Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), Nation of Islam, La Raza, MEChA, and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC).

Yet where are the White activist groups?

Race Relations in America - As we're told to see them
Competing Racial Activists

In actuality America does have White activist groups. Some example of them are the: Ku Klux Klan (KKK), Aryan Nation, National Socialist Movement, and Volksfront.

The significant difference between normative, White America and the non-Whites who live within America but who have refused to join their host nation’s People and culture is that we call these groups what they are – racial hate groups, and we treat them and think about them as they deserve. We don’t call what they want any form of justice.

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Because The Bint’s Black

Congresswoman Jackson Lee (D-TX) is the Congressional Black Caucus’s pick for outgoing Janet Napolitano’s spot as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Prima Facie, this is an odd choice, even for a gaggle jabbering fools like the CBC, since Lee possesses neither reason nor intellect.

Jackson Lee - The Congressional Black Caucus' choice for DHS
The Bint’s Qualifications Are Skin-Deep

But the worthless female does have one overriding qualification. The bint is Black, both in genetic heritage and in vile, destructive, exilic culture. As this is the only qualification that the racist, ghetto bucks of the CBC can see and interpret, that is enough.

I’m sure the subhuman vermin of the CBC believe that they can count on Lee to use that position, if she were to be given it, to further their race-hustling agenda against Americans who are not “of color.” Thankfully, I’m equally sure that Lee is far too stupid and insane to accomplish anything.

Still a stupid, jabbering, crazy-angry Black bitch isn’t fit to wash an American’s laundry or pick their crops, much less be allowed into a position where she believes that she has the privilege of voicing her opinions to her betters.

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A Romney Supporter?

According to the Liberals, Progressives, and Black Leaders, Blacks must vote Democrat or not be Black. Blacks who fail to abide by this stricture meet with vicious reprisals from the soldiers of the “Black Community” and Leftist talking heads.

Being branded an “Oreo” is the least of American Black’s worries and, as such, some brave souls have decided to reclaim the word, “Oreo.”

Assimilation Failure
They Must Have Found Out She’s A Republican

Others have decided that, if the choice is between the “Black Community” and America, they’ll choose America and assimilate as all immigrants must eventually do.

Either that or she just really, really, really loves those delicious sandwich cookies. 😆

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Race First, Last, Always

CBC NooseThe US House of Representative voted yesterday, Thursday, June 29, 2012 to hold Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder in Contempt of Congress for his repeated refusal to provide Congress with the needed information about his and Obama’s involvement in the criminally stupid Fast and Furious debacle that murdered some 200 Mexican civilians and one unlucky US Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry.

The vote was 255-67 with 17 Democrats putting partisanship aside and doing the right thing in charging Holder for defying the subpoena that he was served. That vote, however, did not happen until the grifters, shufflers, and thugs of the Congress Black Caucus walked out en mass.

This is simply because with these sorts it’s race first, last, and always and it’s only race. The scandal of Fast and Furious specifically centers on the murder of a White man, Brian Terry, through the actions of a Black POTUS and a Black Attorney General. That being the case, the CBC simply doesn’t care what crimes were committed by Holder and/or Obama. Frankly, Holder and Obama could have personally gunned down Brian Terry and then taken turns on his sisters and nieces and the vermin of the CBC would still claim that it was racist to investigate and/or prosecute them because, and only because, Holder and Obama are Black.

Be assured, if Terry had been Black and the Attorney General and POTUS White, these shiftless thugs would be hooting, hollering, an beating drums on the floor of the House, screaming and jabbering for those White’s to be strung up post haste.

These misborn bastard sons and daughters of the ghetto are just thugs in suits for whom it’s race first, last, and always and to whom no Black can commit a crime – except to not hold to each and every iota of their ill-thought racial solidarity.

Fortunately, this is an election year and they can be removed from the public sphere and sent back where they belong.


They will be responsible for letting a condition develop in this country which will create a climate that will bring seeds up out of the ground with vegetation on the end of them looking like something these people never dreamed of. In 2012, it’s the ballot or the bullet.

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