Jah’Keem Chop
Now that the Lamestream media has dutifully misreported and now buried the story of the murder and beheading of Colleen Hufford in Oklahoma City I decided it was time to weigh in and critique their (mis)represantion of the event and Jah’Keem Yisrael nee Alton Nolen.
Sanitizing Jah’Keem Yisrael nee Alton Nolen
(Click to Enlarge)
The lengths that the lamestream media has gone to sanitize the image of Jah’Keem Yisrael is truly amazing. Firstly, it’s their constant reference to him as Alton Nolen when he had changed his name, at least for common usage, to Jah’Keem Yisrael. Secondly, it’s their near exclusive use of a photo of Yisrael from 2011 instead of a more recent one that shows his current appearance.
It’s truly amazing how far the media has gone to shield Islam from this vermin’s actions, irrespective of the fact that Yisrael is an extremely devout Muslim, was fired for suggesting Islamic punishments, i.e., stone, for female coworkers, and beheaded one of his victims in the same manner as Islamic fighters do.
The narrative, according the the MSM, is that this was nothing but a regrettable but isolated incident of random “Workplace Violence.” It wasn’t Muslim extremism and it certainly wasn’t yet another incidence of Muslim terrorism on US soil.
In this, the MSM may have a valid point. Yet the lengths that they’ve gone to ensure that their point is the only one available is ridiculous. I mean, talk about Anvilicious!
The Roots of Yisrael’s Savagery
As I said above, it’s my opinion that Yisrael’s savage, murderous rampage wasn’t primarily based upon his being a convert to Islam. Nor do I believe that it truly qualified as an act of terrorism.
First and foremost, Alton Nolen aka Jah’Keem Yisrael is a Black male. Indeed, he is a rather stereotypical Black male, with a history predating his prison conversion to Islam of both drug use and violence, including separate convictions for marijuana, cocaine, and assault upon a law enforcement officer. Seen in that light, his rampage makes perfect sense even without the Islamic component added to it.
From what I can determine, Islam’s involvement in the causation of his feral break with reality was tangential. His being a devout Muslim was part of why he was fired and may have provided Yisrael with some rationale for his response to it, but the boy was more than likely to have responded with murder in any event. No, the largest input Islam had on the Oklahoma City rampage was that it provided Yisrael the exact means of his violence, that of beheading one of his victims with a knife in imitation of the Jihadis.
From what I can tell, Yisrael murdered because he was just another Black male ghetto thug but he beheaded his victim because he was a Muslim. Hence, it’s not unfair to call it “Workplace Violence.” It also, however, not unfair to point out that, causative or not, Islam did color the events and greatly added to the bestially savage nature of them.
Tags: Alton Nolen | America | Blacks | Crime | Criminals | Ghetto Thugs | Islam | Jah'Keem Yisrael | Jihad | Media Bias | MSM | Murder | Muslims | Oklahoma | Terrorism | Workplace Violence
October 2nd, 2014 at 2:22 pm
Recourse should be simple. Execute the bastard.
October 4th, 2014 at 5:31 am
‘Twas a spammer. It’s gone now. I get about 2500 spam post per day but, fortunately, my anti-spammer suite takes care of almost every one of them.