Friends With Benefits


Friends With Benefits – A Valentine’s Alternative
(Click to Enlarge)

Friends, Reader, Countrymen – with Valentine’s Day around the corner, here’s a small bit of advice. Don’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good. A Valentine’s Day night with a Friend with Benefits is better than one spent alone or with some desperate, hookup partner. True, it’s not as good as having a “proper,” romantic partner on Valentine’s Day, but a Friend with Benefits is a relationship partner, therefor both good enough and far less stressful than the norm on this upcoming holiday.

Pedantic Note: The yellow roses with some red-blushed one amongst them are a “hat tip” to one variant of the Floriography of Victorian times in which yellow roses were for friendship and red ones for romantic interests. 😉

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Your Crazy Future Wife

Your Crazy Future Wife
Your Crazy Future Wife

Gentlemen, especially you younger, never married men, it’s not whether or not your future wife will be crazy. It’s about whether or not she’s the sort of crazy that you can love. If you find the right one, put a ring on her!

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Son, She's A Keeper

Son, She’s A Keeper. Put A Ring On Her

One piece of advice I have for the young American men out there – If you can find a fine babe who can noodle a good-sized blue or flathead catfish, she’s a keeper. Put a ring on her quick as you can and get busy getting started on your family. Trust me, she’ll be the best thing you ever did. 😉

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Always Check Out Her Mom

Always Checkout Her Mom
Always Checkout Her Mom
When Dating, Always Check Out Her Mom

PRO TIP: Young men, take heed of the advice of an old man who’s been dating/married longer than you, and possibly your fathers, have been alive. When dating a girl – and I mean dating, not just hooking up – always check out her mom, because it’s very likely she’s going to turn into her. 😉

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