Culling The 62%?

Do you think it is ever justified for citizens to take violent action against the government, or is it never justified?

The above was the 12th question in a recent Washington Post-University of Maryland poll. It was a question that 62% of the 1,100 respondents, who were a fairly even mix of Republicans (300), Democrats (399), and Independents (295), answered: “Never Justified.”

America Will Burn
And So The American Experiment Will End

And so, if true-born and rightly-raised Americans set back and do nothing, the Grand Experiment that is America shall come to a sad and shuddering end, borne down into the muck and mire of history under the twin weights of greed and obedience.

When 62% of people within our nation’s borders are willing to state that they believe that it is never justified to take violent action against the government, we’re past the point of normalcy or rhetoric as a means of saving Americans. When that many individuals reject the purpose and point of the 2nd Amendment, there’s little to no hope of a good outcome that doesn’t involve force majeur on Americans’ part.

No, in order to save America, patriots culling the 62% from, at a minimum, the electorate, more likely the public sphere in general, and possibly the population itself, is a course of action that must be seriously considered. Obviously, the tree of Liberty is parched and must be watered.

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The Last Day Is The 1st Day

The Last Day Is The 1st Day, Uncle Joe

And no, this is not a threat per se; it’s just a statement of fact. With each incremental step that Democrats take towards forcible disarming the American citizenry, civil war and the extermination of them and the sorts that they pander to- and enable comes that much closer to fruition.

There’s are reasons why Americans have been stockpiling arms and ammunitionto the point that, nationwide, manufacturers can’t keep up with the demand – and those reasons are the Democrats the Likely Democrats, and the Future Democrats within our nation’s borders. Americans know what’s coming. The Dems’ insurrection against President Trump and their finally successful coup in 2020, showed the world that sad fact and the lengths our domestic enemies would go to in order to seize power.

Biden and his handlers, along with his various supporters, should really give some serious thought to the simple math involved. If only 3% – yes, the (in)famous 3% – of the 50 – 60 million patriots under arms at this moment choose to actively or proactively resist the Dems’ infringement upon our 2nd Amendment, that’s 1.5 – 1.8 million militiamen and -women in the field under the banner of American Liberty.

Ladies, Gentlemen, and anything under the Democrat penumbra that might be reading this, that 3% would be 62 – 75% of the total military personnel of the US government, active and reserve (approx. 2,406,000) and near to 8x the number of combat personnel in the entirety of the US military worldwide. How do you think that civil war would go? How many under the Democrat penumbra do you think would even live to see the end of it?

As I stated at the beginning of this post, this is not a threat. This is a statement of fact and a warning to those who loath and hate the core liberties and mores of America. The last day of the 2nd Amendment will be the 1st day of the Second American Revolution.

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Virginia's Dark History

Virginia's Dark History Of Racism And Gun Control
Virginia’s Dark History

Virginia has a dark and sordid history, as does their current Governor, Ralph Northam. Hence, it cannot be considered too much of a shock that this Democrat wants to bring back into effect draconian gun-control measures that so clearly resemble those that were used to disarm and re-cage the Blacks after the Civil War.

But then, the Democrats don’t see it this way. They either don’t care or don’t believe – despite seeing the photo – that their Governor posed in Blackface alongside a guy dressed as a Klansman. They also don’t care about gun control laws’ long history of racism, even though almost anything else that might have at some time not specifically and specially advantaged Blacks is decried and denounced by them

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OK Then But Not Now

OK Then But Not Now
OK Then But Not Now

In truth, it’s not the least bit surprising that the Democrats and the sorts that support then in their coup attempt only now, with Donald Trump as POTUS, have a problem with an American politician having a less than totally acrimonious relationship with Vladimir Putin. Since the Democrats et al will do anything to overturn the will of we, the People as expressed in the 2016 election results, it’s to be expected that they would do this.

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Surrender My Guns?

Surrender My Guns? Not while one single Democrat or Likely Democrat still lives and walks free
Surrender My Guns?

Exactly! The primary reason for the Second Amendment has always been so that we, the People could forcibly remove and enact reprisals upon any politician who acted in such a heinous manner as to shock the conscience of right-thinking Americans.

And lets face it; with Democrats already wanting para-birth abortions and the subsequent extermination of any babies that survive such atrocities, what would they feel safe doing if we were disarmed?

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