Last Chance For Auspices

Last Chance For Auspices Of The Water Rabbit

The year of the water rabbit ends February 9th; so this is pretty much your last chance to have your child blessed with inner peace and contentment through the auspices of Water Rabbit. Better make like said rabbits. 😉

And yes, most Asian cultures track one’s zodiac sign from conception, not birth. Hence, you can still have a Rabbit child if you get busy now.

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Give Them Reason For Thanks

With Thanksgiving right around the corner – in America at least – I’d like to point out to my fellow White men that, for the sake of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, we really should give those women of color something to be thankful for – specifically some “golden children.” 😉

Give Them Reason For Thanks - Orthocegenate

Orthocegenation Is Right

Orthocegenation is right, just, and the best way to raise up the marginalized people by sharing our supposed privilege. No woman of color should have to bear non-White children.

Give Them Reason For Thanks

Yes, gentlemen, give them reasons for thanks. Give these beautiful women and the children you’ll give them a way out and way up by helping close the Generational Wealth Gap in the best way possible. 😉

It’s the right, White thing. It’s the just thing. And, take this as coming from the voice of experience – it is no burden at all. Privilege is best shared and that sharing brings it own rewards and pleasures.

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#MAGA Pulchrum Est


#MAGA Pulchrum Est
(Click to Enlarge)

#MAGA is beauty. This goes deeper and beyond the thought that #MAGA girls are beautiful. This is the fundamental truth that, for America, #MAGA is beauty itself, the very foundation of the concept thereof.

Amor Patriae Verum Pulchritudo
Omne Mendacium Est

Rather simply put, at least for those of us that haven’t completely eschewed Latin: Amor Patriae Verum Pulchritudo. Omne Mendacium Est. Patriotism is beauty. All else is lies. A woman’s face and figure can count for much, but true beauty comes from the content of her character and her love of- and loyalty to her nation and her People.

Reject lies and liars in all matters. Seek true beauty and cleave unto them that possess it. #MAGA!

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Ending Black History Month

Ending Black History Month Right

It’s the last day of Black History Month, which I almost forgot about due to repeated attacks of life. 🙄 So, somewhat as reparations and somewhat as just wanting to encourage certain sorts of diversity, here’s 90 fine Black babes to end Black History Month right.

Oh, and Gentlemen, if you really want to end Black History Month, I strongly suggest being fully inclusive in your life so that we have one, integrated history, that of Americans of a myriad of ethnic backgrounds. Think of it as an affirmative action towards equity and making MLK’s dream come true.

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Zombie Handmaids

Whole Body Gestational Donation
Now The Patriarchy Wants Zombie handmaids! 😯

Cue the crazed Feministas! Apparently, the “Patriarchy” now intends to use permanently comatose (PVS) and brain dead (BD/DNC) women as wombs. Because we all know these sorts will be stridently and possibly violently opposed to Whole Body Gestational Donation (WBGD). Insofar as they’re concerned, this is just a call for Zombie Handmaids ala some twisted and rather gross Z Day version of Gilead.

But hey! We could call it 40 Weeks After! 😆

Gileadean Zombie Handmaid
Brrrrreeeeeed Me! Moooore Baaaabieeeees

Or not. You see, this is outrage based, at least partially on pure, unadulterated, Feminist ignorance and their dystopian fantasies of oppression – especially when it comes to bearing children. It has little to no intersection with reality.

The truth is that the idea of women doing Whole Body Gestational Donation wasn’t published in a medical journal. It was published in a medical ethics journal, specifically Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics. By their very nature a large portion of the papers in such publications are speculative in nature and overtly seek to find, or even push, the boundaries of acceptable practice within the medical field.

Another, even more ironic truth, is that the paper was written in late 2022 by a woman, one Dr. Anna Smajdor PhD, who is currently a tenured professor of Practical Philosophy at the University of Oslo. Even more ironic is that she based a great deal of her paper on the previous work done by another woman, Rosalie Ber, who apparently originally floated the idea of using comatose women as gestational surrogates.

Yessiree! The entire concept of WBGD was conceived by women – Smajdor is even the person to name it. But the Patriarchy!

But, In Some Defense Of Feminists

None of the above is meant to say that nothing heinous could come of Smajdor’s and Ber’s idea now that it’s been put out there. Rahm Emanuel’s Complete Lives System and how it was implemented to some extent during COVID-19 shows us that sometimes published speculative ethics are essentially an excuse for normatively reprehensed behavior. There’s always room for doctors – who play God far too often – to behave badly.

And, as well, there’s the legal issues of consent – issues that Smajdor did mention, but didn’t and can’t address. And there’s a long if not common history of arguments over what to do with people who are PVS or BD/DNC, with next of kin often being the ones to make those decisions for the “living remains” of the victim. So yeah, it’s not utterly impossible that a husband or parent could make the legal decision for a PVS or BD/DNC to enter into WBGD, but it would be a vanishingly rare occurrence.


So, they’re not completely wrong in their worries – if worrying about WBGD is valid in the first place – but it’s not the Patriarchy and it’s not a likely outcome. Men are not going to turn them into Zombie Handmaids.

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