Riot Season Already?

Riot Season Already!?!
Riot Season Already?

ROFLMAO! Yeah, that’s about the size of it. In the spring a young ghetto thug’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of rioting, arson, looting, raping, murder, rebellion, and race war.

Well, actually it’s not. The Blacks have been rioting essentially non-stop for over a year. The Dems’ media just has largely stopped covering it, either out of national boredom with this “new normal” or as an effort to protect the Biden-Harris regime from political fallout.

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Same Ol’ Same Ol’

Same Ol' Same Ol' - The Rioting And Ranting Continues
Same Ol’ Same Ol’ – The Rioting And Ranting Continues

So, recently two separate and far-distanced Blacks were put down by two equally separate and far-distanced in two utterly unrelated instances that had nothing in common with each other. And, of course, the Blacks have taken to the streets to “protest” – with, of course, all that normally goes along with their sort’s version of “peaceful assembly.” And, just to make matters triter and more over-played, the usual non-White, Democrat politicians have chosen to once again fan the flame of Black Violence and Rebellion and attack the very idea of law enforcement within America’s borders.

Honestly, “Same ol’ same ol’.” Some number of Black criminals were killed by police and the Blacks riot while their politicians decry America’s “racism” and call for the abolition of law enforcement in America. Frankly, Black rioting, looting, burning, raping, and murdering is essentially just “dog bites man;” it’s not news, not anymore; not after all this time with constantly doing it.

No, this is boring. This is the New Normal, the status quo, the purposeless unrest of our times. And, it will stay that way until We, the People decide to put an end to it once and for all.

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Squint! It’s Utopia

Squint! It's Utopia - You Just Have To Look Past Some Stuff like anarchy, riots, crime, and total chaos
Squint! It’s Utopia – You Just Have To Look Past Some Stuff

Sure, it’d seem like a utopia ,,, if you tipped your head and squinted or wore blinders so that you didn’t see all the chaos, crime, and race riots. A nation with little or no law enforcement isn’t a nation anymore; it’s just a dystopian anarchy with no real future, which may be what the Left and their Blacks want.

One thing though – while the cartoon describes the whole #DefundThePolice movement as a Far Left political position, it’s now the mainstream position of the Democrats.

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NFL Protesters Off-Season

All The NFL Protesters Off-Season

Yes, as we go into the 2nd season of the certain sorts of NFL players’ childish and offensive pre-game kneeling, it’s good to remember that these jumped-up ghetto thugs are never seen “protesting” anything during the off-season. No, if they can’t garner attention by offending the majority-White audience with their flagrant disrespect for all things American, they’re not interested.

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The End Of Hope

The End Of Hope And The Bright Spring Of AmericaFollowing the American people’s election of Donald Trump to the Presidency, Michelle Obama did an hour-long interview with Oprah Winfrey in order to tell the audience how they were now all without hope – that now, after eight year of her husband being in the White House, his constituency was now, with Trump’s victory, without any hope remaining to them and how everything would just become worse for them from this moment forward.

To say the least, it was an unusual “exit interview” for a FLOTUS. Then, Michelle Obama – unaffectionately nicknamed “The Mooch” by many Americans – was never a usual or traditional First Lady.

We feel the difference now. See, now, we are feeling what not having hope feels like. Hope is necessary. It’s a necessary concept and Barack didn’t just talk about hope because he thought it was just a nice slogan to get votes.

He and I and so many believe that — what else do you have if you don’t have hope. What do you give your kids if you can’t give them hope?

— Michelle Obama

Despite many of the the people that Michelle represents truly needing our help, she does have something akin to a point irrespective of her hyperbole. The various demographic elements which were fond of the Obama Regime or, at least the tokenism it represented, are quite discouraged at this point in time. They have seen the country they were trying to create be aborted.

I do, however, have this to say. If Michelle Obama’s and those she represents’ dreams, aspirations, and hopes are so different from- and antithetical to those of mainstream, middle America, they shouldn’t still be in our country and certainly not walking free in it without restraint and/or some form of oversight as they represent a clear and present danger to themselves and others.

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