Media Fact-Checkers

Media Fact-Checkers
Media Fact-Checkers

This is what passes for the news media today in America. How their fact-checkers handle public testimony is an example of why they are not trusted by almost any Americans and not even by that many Democrats and likely Democrats. Of course, those same Democrats and likely Democrats don’t really care. While they don’t trust the Lamestream Media and its fact-checkers, they find their mendacity useful.

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A Christian Nation

America Is A Christian Nation Irrespective Of Democrats' Claims To The Contrary
A Christian Nation

Since this meme seems to be running rampant right, it seemed appropriate to apply some fact-checking to it. Hence, “This is not a Christian Nation. It’s a nation in which you are free to be Christian” has been found to be Missing Context. It is, like much of what our domestic enemies spew, misinformation – but of the specific sort that is promulgated ,endorsed, and protected by most social media platforms.

First off, The United States of America is not and never has been officially a Christian nation, unlike Argentina, Armenia, Costa Rica, Denmark, England, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, Norway, Samoa, Serbia, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vatican City, and Zambia. We are not one of the 12.3% of the world’s nations which are officially Christian. So, insofar as that goes, the statement that America is not a Christian nation is true.

Missing Context

Officially so or not, America is functionally – even in these times – a Christian nation. The nation was founded by a variety of Christians, often of sects who were experiencing genocidal persecution in Europe. And, like all Western nations, our legal system is and was based upon Judaeo-Christian religious tenets. And, finally, Christianity is the basis of the vast majority of our citizens’ theological/spiritual makeup. Even the growing number of people within our borders who have – often stridently and virulently, sometimes for very valid reasons – rejected their Church, are still essentially Christian in their beliefs.

So yeah; we’re not officially a Christian nation but we’re de facto a Christian nation since Christianity was baked into America just as it was baked into our European antecedents before our founding.

In point of fact, it would be less misleading to say that America is a Christian nation in which you are free to be non-Christian.

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Historical Fact-Checkers

Historical Fact-Checkers
Historical Fact-Checkers Existed

Actually, there were fact-checkers way back then. They were the various priests and orders of the Catholic Church. And, much like the modern era’s inquisitors of the leftists’ self-proclaimed Magisterium, they brooked no dissent or deviation from the orthodoxy that they had created. Thankfully, so far, the Left has settled for censorship and destruction of property, whereas the Church put heretics down, often brutally and only after extensive physical torment.

In truth though, the only functional difference between the fact-checkers of the past and the ones of today is how their taskmasters respond to findings of heretical “misinformation.”

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Facts & Fiction Today

Facts & Fiction Today
Facts & Fiction Today

That’s one of the biggest and most important, if not the biggest and most important, threats facing the Civilized, Free, Western World today – the blurred and biased line between facts and fiction today. Between the Lamestream Media’s Fake News and Social Media’s “Fact Checkers,” it’s largely impossible for anyone to distinguish between facts and fiction.

But then, this hellish situation should hardly be considered unexpected. After all, just as an informed Citizenry is necessary to Democracy, a misinformed Citizenry is needed for tyranny to sink its roots in society. And there are certain sorts who sorely desire such tyranny… for all the best reasons of course.

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Control Of Information

Control Of Information - A Prerequisite For Tyranny
Control Of Information – A Prerequisite For Tyranny

Some things only change in detail and specific methodology. Whether it’s Goebbels’ Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda (RMVP), Facebook, Twitter, or the insinuative monster that is Google, the strict control of information is a prerequisite for the sought after tyrannical rule. Changing the name or the specific methods of control doesn’t change the fundamental fact of it or the effects it has upon Peoples.

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