The Last Temptation

The Assassination of BecketMotivation can matter as much as action in the longer run. Hence, a good act can be a great evil.

Now is my way clear, now is the meaning plain: Temptation shall not come in this kind again.
The last temptation is the greatest treason: to do the right deed for the wrong reason.

— T.S. Eliot
Murder in the Cathedral

Never in my experience has this moral and societal fact been more poignantly exemplified than by the recently reported actions of a 10 year-old girl from Thornton, CO, Tatum Gonzales. She did a deed that was ever so right, but did so for reasons that were so very wrong.

Tatum Gonzales called the whole family together on her 10th birthday but not for the reason you might think.

“Make a change to the world,” she said as she stood in her mom’s Thornton kitchen, making a turkey and cheese sandwich.

Tatum’s only wish on her 10th birthday was to help feed the homeless.

“I don’t think it’s right that all of us get to eat and they don’t,” she said. “They might be starving so I just thought of this idea for my birthday.”

Family and friends filled the kitchen, put on plastic gloves and pitched in to make 100 sack lunches. They even decorated each of the bags.

I cannot see young Ms. Gonzales act as anything other than a beautiful act of kindness and charity. There’s no doubt in my mind that she did the right thing. And yet, her own words, “I don’t think it’s right that all of us get to eat and they don’t,” show that she did it for the wrong – indeed, one of the worst – reasons imaginable.

Her belief that is not right that her and her family have their basic needs met – by her parents’ efforts and labors in all likelihood – so long as others do not enjoy these things is horrific to me – as it should be horrific to, not just every American, but every freeborn man or woman on this world. This, the belief of child that they don’t deserves and have no right to what their parents have earned, is the epitome of evils that Liberals, Progressives, and SJWs commit each and every day.

Charity, largess, munificence, beneficence – call it what you will – are great things, laudable in nigh on every case, even those which are poorly thought out and/or mis-aimed. To see it in a young child should be a thing of joy; a thing that restores some measure of hope for Man. And that is what is so evil and so horrifying about this. This is the ultimate corruption of the virtue of generosity. This is the greatest treason.

Not, of course, is this to say that this is her treason. No, she is one who has been betrayed. She has been tempted beyond her means as a young child by others, most likely the (mis)education system and the media. She is one of far too many victims of the Liberals’ and Progressives systematic abuse and corruption of our nation’s children.

Yes, of all the temptations that the devils of Socialism – these hellborn demons of “Social Justice” – try our resolve with is the greatest treason of doing what we think is right for the wrong, evil reasons.

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Unreasoning Largess

Some things pull at one’s heartstrings and evoke thoughts and feeling that, at first pass, seem quite good for the state of the society one lives in. Sadly, some of those things are wrong and/or manipulative and go against the underpinnings of reality. Worse, far too often those things which are wrong and/or manipulative become entrenched in the collective psyches of whole demographics of the population.

You don't need a reason to help peopleSupposedly You Don’t Need A Reason To Help People

A case in point is “You Don’t Need A Reason To Help People.” It’s nothing but a call for totally unreasoning largess and it has no basis in fact or human thought and logic processes. People reason and, hence, need reason for any and all actions, though it’s true that many of those reasons are internalized and/or subconscious in nature. Even the insane have and need reasons for doing whatever they do. They’re just not reasons that most of the rest of us have the data to understand.

Reasonable Charity

Some of the various real reason for people helping other specific people or specific groups or classes of people are:

  • Either seeking the blessings of the God(s) or avoiding punishment by their the God(s) through acts of charity;
  • Seeking approval of other people or avoiding disapproval other people through acts of charity;
  • Assuaging feelings of guilt brought upon by segments of their society’s disdain for wealth or material success;
  • Because it feels good to do so, either through feelings of superiority and self-validation or a more general feeling of worth.

Also, in all reasoning cases, the person needs to believe or to convince themselves that the largess they give has some meaning and will have some quantifiable and qualifiable benefit. It’s somewhat rare for normal people to just render aid, assistance, and charity when they know it will do no good – unless there’s a unrelated or tangentially related benefit to themselves for doing so.

Entrenched In Liberalism & Progressivism

The myth of “You Don’t Need A Reason To Help People” is sadly entrenched in the collective psyches of the Liberals and Progressives. It, mostly at an unconscious level, forms one of the underpinning of their dogma and colors and informs a great deal of their agenda.

Liberals and Progressives actively reject the fact that there is always a need for reason for largess. Even more, they reject and quite stridently disdain and denounce the idea that the person needs to believe or to convince themselves that the largess they give has some meaning and will have some quantifiable and qualifiable benefit. They believe that such things are discrimination.

This is a large part of why the Liberals and Progressives so strongly demand that voluntary charity be replaced by largess by fiat. As they believe that there should be no reason for charity or qualifier to how, to whom, or how much largess is granted, any reason applied to such is seen by them, instead, to be reason to withhold such largess.

The greatest irony in this is that these same Liberals and Progressives have no qualms about applying social pressure – approval or disapproval – to goad people into granting such largess, and are the ones who foster feelings of guilt in those of the societies they live within who have achieved wealth or material success.


Sadly, this isn’t really correctable. It can only be ameliorated through educating people in reality. This is the sad effect of something that sounds so good but which is false.

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The Liberal Samaritan

Liberal Samaritan
The Liberal Samaritan

Yes, this sort of behavior, as opposed to personal charity, would be the expected behavior of the Liberal Samaritan.

Liberals never seem to favor personally helping those in need as this might disadvantage themselves compared to others who might not be- or be in a position to be equally charitable. Hence, the aid the Liberal Samaritan is willing to give is limited to that which costs all equally, thereby not materially disadvantaging themselves relative to others.

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Uppity Niggers

AFSCMEOK, as all students of real and accurate American history know, Big Labor, i.e., labor unions, have always had a complex and often antagonistic relationship with Blacks. This has changed little over the last century. The only change has been the unions choosing to catch wayward Blacks and keep them on the unions’ plantations rather than clubbing them down in streets as they used to do.

But oh how the unions hate it when the Blacks leave the plantation. How dare those “uppity niggers” accept monies from individuals that the unions and their paid-for politicians fear and loath such as the Koch brothers.

A powerful government workers’ union will end its support for the United Negro College Fund after the group accepted $25 million from the conservative powerhouse Koch brothers and the college fund’s president appeared at a Koch event.

In a letter made public Thursday, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees said it will no longer partner with or raise funds for the fund, known for its iconic motto, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”

Naturally, the AFSCME’s President, Lee Saunders wasn’t satisfied with merely refusing to further support the United Negro College Fund. He also had to take UNCF’s President and CEO, Dr. Michael Lomax to task for his uppitiness.

AFSCME President Lee Saunders said the actions of the college fund’s president “are not only deeply hostile to the rights and dignity of public employees, but also a profound betrayal of the ideals of the civil rights movement.”

Saunders’ may be too politically correct and savvy to speak frankly, but there’s no real doubt that his personal attack upon Lomax was anything but a dog-whistle for “Oreo,” “Uncle Tom,” “Sell-Out,” and/or “Race Traitor.” It’s pretty obvious that Saunders and the AFSCME can’t abide by Blacks who aren’t beholden to them.

Of course, the funny side of this is that Saunders and the AFSCME don’t have much of a whip to crack over the backs of the UNCF. They’ve donated between $50,000 and $60,000 annually to the UNCF for its AFSCME/UNCF Union Scholar Program over the last 11 years and the Koch Brothers just gave the UNCF $25,000,000 – 38 times that total amount.

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Godless Terrorism

This is what it should look likeAs each and every right-thinking, Gods-fearing American knows, our country is infested with the Godless. This, in and of itself, is not a huge problem. The problem is that they’re allowed to engage in acts of paper terrorism and lawfare in their war against America and the normative role of religion in American society.

The East Point Academy, a very small charter school in West Columbia, SC, has been forced to cancel it annual Christmas toy drive for disadvantaged children due to threat of paper terrorism from viciously and vehemently anti-Religious, Atheist organization.

They were delivered this ultimatum by these Godless terrorists:

This letter is written on behalf of the parent of a child attending East Point Academy who has alerted us to a serious constitutional violation occurring at the school. For the third year in a row, East Point Academy has affiliated itself with an evangelical Christian organization, “Samaritan’s Purse,” by promoting student participation in their program, “Operation Christmas Child.” Because the purpose and effect of Operation Christmas Child is to induce impoverished children to convert to Christianity, the school’s promotion of this program violates the Constitution. The school must immediately suspend its unconstitutional participation in Operation Christmas Child.

— Monica Miller, Esq.
William Burgess, Esq.
American Humanist Association

Sadly, the South Carolina cell of the mendaciously named American Humanist Association (AHA) picked their victim well. The school capitulated to their demands because they couldn’t afford to defend themselves and their students from the AHA’s attack.

We have a very small budget and very small legal budget. We felt that we could not risk using our school funding for classrooms and teachers to fight a court case.

— Principal Renee Mathews

Then, this is how terrorists act. They always seek to attack “soft targets” who cannot be reasonably expected to be able to defend themselves. Thus, with each easy victim that surrenders or is destroyed, the reach of their terror spreads, making it that much more likely that future victims will appease them.

And none of this is hyperbole. These filth from the AHA are terrorists. That they are not overtly and classically violent is a meaningless distinction. They seek to achieve their radical agenda through the use of force, in this case misusing the legal system, and that is terrorism. Indeed, one could argue that paper terrorism and lawfare are worse and more destructive than bombs.

What needs to happen is for we, the People to treat these Godless filth as the terrorists that they are. We need to realize that, not only will the law not deal with them, it will actually support them and we need to start acting accordingly to defend ourselves and eliminate the threat.

We need to adjust the balance of terror by and all means at our disposal and with the full understanding that there is no legal recourse. In this matter patriotism and morality must trump blind obedience to laws written to protect our enemies.


I will remind each and every American that warfare trumps lawfare; attorneys who take cases against Americans’ rights are valid targets; and that neither legal briefs nor judge’s robes will stop a well-aimed bullet.

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