They #Woke The Dragon

They #Woke The Dragon
They #Woke The Dragon

That’s the thing about the abnormals and those than pander to them; every time they score some victories – some of which were proper and just – they just can’t stop themselves. They have to push hard and push loud, moving away from any thought of tolerance or equality under the law and towards demanding exuberant approval, special privileges, and that the state mandate their culture and/or lifestyle choices.

But, the American majority is very much like a sleeping dragon. No one in their right mind wants to poke it and wake it up because we don’t want to wake up and we’re cranky when forcibly awoken. Also, like any other dragon, our first response upon being forced awake is more often than scorched earth.

And, boycotts, regime changes through the ballot box, and punitive laws are just the beginning. Think of those reactions as what a dragon might do while still half asleep. If the #Woke crowd and their political party don’t stop poking and pushing, they may all end up dying in the flames.

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A Thought On Absurdity

A simple thought on the absurdity plaguing us today:

We have reached the ultimate stage of absurdity when White people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while Blacks are not held responsible for what they themselves are doing today?

— jonolan

FYI this, much like my thoughts on disappointment and pride was a correction of Ben Shapiro’s words, is a correction and clarification of Thomas Sowell’s. I’m not as bound by political correctness and a speak more freely, bluntly, and accurately than he can.

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Race-Baiting is, even at its best, annoying. But I’ve discovered something even more so in my opinion – Race-Clickbaiting. The particular case in point is the headline for an article from Everyday Chirp that showed up in my Microsoft Start page in Edge:

Earrings Ignite Racial Tensions: Woman Told Coworker She Can’t Get Earrings Like Her Because She’s White

Seems all-too-typical and definitely the sort of headline to grab one’s attention because White women are subject to attacks, primarily from non-White females over matters of hairstyle, clothing and accessories related “cultural appropriation.” As a White man who’s somewhat protective of our women – perhaps more so than they deserve these days – it sucked me right in.

But it was just race-clickbaiting. The non-White woman (Amerindian) didn’t tell her White coworker that she couldn’t get earrings like that because she was White. She just tried to put the woman off because the Amerindian tribeswomen who made them don’t sell their work outside the tribe!

Yeah, a whole different thing.

Also, especially in these times, it’s a dangerous practice. I went a read the article; many wouldn’t have done so. But that headline would be in the back of their minds – one more log on the fire, one more nail in the non-Whites’ coffin.

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They're Not Really Black

They're Not Really Black
They’re Not Really Black

It seems that The View’s Joy Behar isn’t shy about claiming that SCOTUS justice Clarence Thomas and Senator Tim Scott aren’t really Black because they aren’t avowed victims of “Systemic Racism” and constantly claiming that they are so.

“He’s one of these guys who, you know, he’s like Clarence Thomas,” Behar said. “Black Republican who believes in pulling yourself by your bootstraps, rather than, to me, understanding the systemic racism that African Americans face in this country, and other minorities. He doesn’t get it. Neither does Clarence. And that’s why they’re Republicans.”

— Joy Behar

In her opinion two Black Men, one born at the beginning of the the Civil Rights Movement and one born nearer it’s end and just a year after the Civil Right Act was created, don’t understand racism. Two Black men raised in broken homes and poverty in the South apparently can’t understand what Blacks go through because the real racism and disadvantaged upbringings these men faced didn’t hold them back.

Yes, I know. It’s not normally correct to respond to- or particularly care about what the bints on The View jabber, hoot, and/or holler. Their entire shtick is being ignorant, stupid, and grossly offensive to Americans in general. However, this is one of those times when one of them, Behar in this case, can be used as a bellweather for the core dogma of the Left and their minority tenants.

This is their identification of the Blacks. Irrespective of race or upbringing, they will not believe a Black is truly a Black unless they paint themselves as a victim deserving of reparations from America. Some can’t even recognize one, mistaking them for- and castigating them because they’re obviously White.

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Gregorian Rants

Gregorian Rants
Gregorian Rants

#Woke cultist, like all religionists, have their chants. In the case of the adherents of Woke Theology it’s the droning chant of how any negative result – or simply any less positive result in relation to the norm – that non-White, especially the Blacks, experience is wholly and solely the fault of “White Supremacy” and “Systemic Racism.” Gregorian rants indeed.

It doesn’t matter what the topic is. The Wokeists will claim stridently and ,more and more often, violently that the cause of the non-Whites’ issues is White Supremacist Systemic Racism. The facts don’t matter. That Whites in similar circumstances deal with the same issues doesn’t matter. It’s all our fault and it’s all our racism causing whatever it is. That is the core of their doctrine and dogma and few, if any of them, are amenable to ecclesiastic debate.

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