Signs Of Our Times

Signs Of Our Times

These are the signs of our times, especially these election times. The Republicans stand for jobs, whereas the Democrats stand for mobs. Hence, Americans have a simple but stark choice before them right now. We can take the first, best step in stopping the Left, or we can meekly surrending to cowardice and allow our domestic enemies a victory over our nation, our culture, and our people.

No not be fooled; do not be complacent; do not cleave to false hopes that you will not have to act. Our democracy and the very foundations of our nation are under existential threat right now, and all it will take for evil to win is for Americans to do nothing.

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The Choice Is Ours

Jobs Not Mobs, The Choice Is Ours To Make
The Choice Is Ours – Jobs Not Mobs

With the very important for the future of our nation 2018 Midterm Elections right around the corner, I believe that’s it’s imperative for each and every American to remember that the Choice Is Ours! We can vote for Republicans and jobs or we can allow the Democrats’ mobs to win over we, the People. It’s that simple and that dire.

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Trump’s Big Hands

President Trump's Big HandsPresident Trump’s Big Hands

The Left and the propaganda corps, the Lamestream Enemedia, have make many rude jests about President Trump’s “Big Hands,” but that doesn’t change the simple fact that under his banner America’s economy has begun its restoration and taken the first steps in its return to greatness and renewed prosperity. America’s GDP, The NY Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, the DOW, and the S & P Index have all skyrocketed from previous levels since President Trump took office. Even exports have increased steadily with President Trump at America’s helm.

And yes! This is largely because of President Trump or, at least, the replacement of Obama with a POTUS who does attack America’s economic might with the bulk of his rhetoric. Obama made companies and investors very nervous with speech. President Trump makes them much more confident in investing in our nation’s future.

CNN Bias Alert
Not That The Lamestream Media Wants You To Know This

Of course, you have to do some research to discover this since the MSM is sure as Hell not going to report upon it. They’d much rather “report” things that are largely meaningless to other than the snowflakes and crybullies of the Left’s #resistance.

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Your Future Is Now

I’ve said before that raising the minimum wage in order to provide the “poor” with the material standard of living they feel entitled to is a plan that will backfire, causing incalculable financial harm to the very people it’s meant to provide for.


McDonald’s New Kiosk Model
(Click to Enlarge)

Well, it appears that, if you’re one of those who’ve been screaming to make $15 / hr to flip burgers, your future is now. McDonald’s is piloting a new, cashier-free kiosk system in several major US cities after having great success with them in Europe. And this is just McDonald’s; others are moving this way as well.

What is as telling as it is interesting is that, despite the hype, that these kiosks were developed to reduce labor costs, they weren’t. They were developed in order to speed up the ordering process and overall improve the customer experience…because the workers, who now want more money, couldn’t or wouldn’t do job as well as a self-service kiosk.

And the above are just about the cashiers. Other automated systems are in development or early pilot to completely automate the fast food cooking process. Hence, soon there may be very few people employed in the fast food industry at all.

Yes, to all those who’ve pushed, and pushed, and putsched to jack up the minimum wage I say, your future is now and it is bleak.

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Never Intended

There will always be issues, often severe ones, when anything is used in a manner that was never intended to be used in.

Fast Food Jobs
Fast Food Was Never Intended To Sustain Someone Indefinitely

Fast food is perfect example and one that is very timely at this moment in history. It was never intended to be mainstay of anyone’s diet and its misuse as such is the reason behind the Liberals’ and Progressives’ complaints about obesity, food deserts, and other such things. Similarly, fast food jobs were never intended to sustain a person economically for any great length of time and their misuse is at the heart of the Liberals’ and Progressives’ assault to increase the minimum wage.

Truly though, the issue of minimum wage and its use and misuse has two disparate vectors, a legitimate issue and an illegitimate construction.

A Legitimate Issue

To be fair, under the influence of Obamanomics the demographics of who’s working in the fast food industry or otherwise earning only minimum has changed greatly since 2008. There are more and more men and women, previously well-employed, now being forced by circumstance to attempt to support themselves and often their families through minimum wage jobs.

An Illegitimate Construction

Irrespective of just who is now working for minimum wage, a huge underlying problem with it now is the Liberals’ and Progressives’ construction that minimum wage should be a wage upon which someone can live well. This in turn reflects their beliefs that the poor are somehow more downtrodden than is rationally acceptable. They truly seem to believe that the poor should have a standard of living that is similar to that which is enjoyed by the more productive and successful.


Also remember that this misuse, if allowed to continue and expand, will just make things worse. It will both reduce the number of minimum wage jobs available as employers adapt and raise the prices of many basic products and services, thereby destroying the increase in workers’ buying power that increasing the minimum wage is intended to accomplish.

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