Yes, The Blacks Steal

It’s politically incorrect to talk about Blacks and theft in the same sentence…unless one is talking about Whites having stole something from the Blacks. However, I’m White and therefor racist, so there’s nothing for me to lose by discussing the fact that the Blacks steal.

I’m not talking about mugging, burglary, armed robbery, or any other form of material-based larceny, though it’s true that the Blacks commit those crimes disproportionately often. No, I’m talking about the Blacks propensity for stealing victimhood and grievance.

Blacks Stealing Victimhood, Angst, and Anger

Sadly for all involved, this sort of appropriation of other people’s woes, is a core part of the pathology of the “Black Community’s” communal psychosis.

Blacks have a extremely hard time disassociating themselves from other Blacks that have had a bad experience. Most cannot do so if they feel that race played a part in that experience or its outcome. In all truth and despite repetitive claims that Blacks aren’t monolithic, the Blacks do not, when there’s any feeling of victimization, operate as individuals. Blacks will identify with other Blacks, seeing them as models or archetypes, not as individuals. Then they compulsively internalize that Black’s pain, angst, or outrage – valid or not – into their collective identity.

This is why whenever a Black is considered to have been wronged somewhere in America riots and protests break out in Black communities across the country. It’s an unfortunate result of the “Black Community’s” communal psychosis.

Nor is the Blacks’ pathology limited to the modern day; it encompasses and subsumes their history as well. Rare is the Black who can look in the mirror and not see an African, many whose ancestors were brought here against their will. Rare is Black who can move beyond the truth that they the descendants of slaves. No, that centuries-old pain – pain that was inflicted on others long, long, long in the grave – is the centerpiece of their collective identity and that pain and fear, stolen from history, percolates deep inside them and they are largely powerless to repress it.

So yes, the Blacks steal and it’s exactly this specific sort of theft that prevents them from success.

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Punishing The Poor

creepy-screamerOne of the common, recurring canards from Liberals, Progressives, their minority tenants that Americans want to “punish the poor” whenever they try to eliminate, curtail, or even restrict various forms of government largess.

This begs the question when did it become punishment to not provide handouts to individuals or groups? At what point did such handouts stop being charity and start being an entitlement?

The answer is, as every American knows, that it never changed. Handouts are charity and the withholding of such largess is not a punishment because nobody is ever entitled to handouts and no man should ever be or feel compelled to provide such to anyone.

Anyone who says differently is just a thug hellbent on theft of Americans wealth. It doesn’t matter if they’re in a hoodie and carrying a cheap 9mm pistol, hipster clothing and carry a placard, or a suit and carrying a briefcase full of legislation; a thug is thug and should be treated as one.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉

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He’s Entitled

As all moral, educated, and sane Americans know, Social Justice is just a code phrase for stealing from Whites in order to give to non-Whites, most often Blacks. No matter what innocuous words it’s couched in, in practice, theft is all that it is – race-based theft, ergo a hate crime.

Gimme Yo Shit, Whitey
Gimme Yo Shit! I’m Entitled To It!

It’s also important to understand what the hate-crime of “Social Justice” is predicated upon. That is, simply put, collective punishment for “crimes” committed generations ago upon those of some distant ancestral past of those demanding the punishment.

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Fishing For Dinner

I’ve discussed one of my favorite past-times, fishing, before. Still, it bears pointing out that different people fish differently from each other.

Fishing - The People v. The Government
Fishing – The People v. The Government

That’s the way of it. We, the People fish in the river to feed ourselves whereas the government casts it’s line into our fishing baskets.

Of course, since the government maintains it power through either the tacit or explicit threat of force, what they do is closer to a canned hunt than fishing. Perhaps that sad fact is even the origin of the phrase, “Shooting fish in a barrel.” 😉

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Social Justice

Social Justice - Stealing from Whites to give to non-WhitesFor years and years Americans have been forced to hear Liberals and minorities alternately whining and ranting about “Social Justice” and how it’s necessary for “fairness” and “equality.”

This is, of course, just a useful Liberal and minority euphemism. “Social Justice” is nothing other than stealing from Whites in order to give to non-Whites, most often Blacks.

There is no difference between the Liberal or Black in a suit with legislation in hand and the thug in a hoodie with a knife or gun. A thug is a thug and their goals are exactly the same.

Americans, hard-working Americans, White Americans – you need to Stand Your Ground.

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