Invisible College Barrier?

Invisible College Barrier? No!
Invisible College Barrier? No!

Certain sorts are complaining that underrepresented minority (URM) – yes, that’s now a term in college circles – students are facing invisible barriers in public colleges which prevent them from getting or completing the degrees that they want. And those invisible barriers are grades. And this, of course, is racist and needs to be addressed.

Let’s start with the fact that minorities are most likely not underrepresented, if enrollment figures have maintained the rates that they had for a long time. A five-year average showed that 4.98% of Whites, 6.22% of Blacks, and 4.1% of Latinos enrolled in college each year. So, that pretty much throws the Underrepresented Minority (URM) into the trash heap where all such lies belong.

But that “invisible barrier” to minority students is hardly invisible at all. It’s in plain sight, like all or most actual scholastic requirements in colleges, especially large public universities. They do gate off popular majors, limiting them out of necessity to those students with the best GPAs in prerequisite courses for those respective majors. These grade requirements conserve the various departments’ limited resources by acting as a winnowing tool, which makes sure that the strongest students enter those majors and lower-performing students are directed to other majors that the universities’ faculties believe they can better handle.

I got in here,” she [Gonzales] told me this summer, which she spent finishing her degree in a different major. “I did the application. I did the essays. I was accepted. But then there was another admissions process I didn’t even know about. It was like running a race with one leg.”

It’s quite simple really. When competing for resources, those who can show that they will make the best use of those resources will gain them and those that don’t show that won’t get them. If minorities can’t successfully compete – a falsehood, judging by UC Berkely’s graduates demographic figures – it’s neither the universities faults nor their “problem” to solve.

Most certainly, the growing trend of using “holistic” means of judging a major candidates’ worthiness to claim one of the seats in a college/major, is not a means that provides true benefit. It just ends up lowering the bar, but only for certain classes of applicant.

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Anti-White Justice

Today’s Justice Is Anti-White Justice

This is state of “justice” in today’s, anti-White, #Woke America. Four worthless, misborn Black thugs beat a White teenager to death while shouting racial slurs, and a grand jury won’t even return an indictment on murder charges for it, despite the thugs being arrested for murder and felonious assault. Nor did either the state government of Ohio or the US federal government enter hate crime charges against them.

Hell! This brutal murder wasn’t even news and never made it to the national stage… because it doesn’t fit the #SocialJustice narrative. But, you can be damn sure that, if 4 White men beat a Black teen unconscious and then kicked him in the head till he died, it be the number one headline for weeks, this grand jury lesser indictment would spark riots across our nation, and there’d be both murder and hate crime charges flying.

Of course, insofar as federal hate crime charges are concerned, this is both expected and normal. The DoJ doesn’t even cite an attack by a non-White on a White in the rather extensive official list of Hate Crime examples. In sickening point of fact, I can’t find a single instance when the DoJ has filled a hate crime charge against a Black even on the rare occasions when state prosecutors have done so.

It’s pretty damn apparent that hate crimes legislation is just like civil rights legislation. They were never meant for the betterment or protection of Whites. So, since #Woke justice is anti-White justice, Whites need to protect themselves and each other. And let none among us gainsay how we each go about doing so.

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Mirror Image Hate

KKK Or Woke - Mirror Images Of Hate & Racis
KKK Or Woke – Mirror Images Of Hate & Racism

It Doesn’t matter whether it’s the KKK or any of the Woke sorts; hatred for a race of people is hatred for a race of people. The KKK and the Woke are just mirror image hate.

Of course, the internal, national and racial enemies of the American people will vociferously, stridently, and violently refute this claim of similarity to the few actual White Supremacists left in America. In their minds, only Whites can be racist, and all Whites are actively or passively racist… because they’re White.

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Big Steps Forward

The Left Takes Big Steps Forward
The Left Takes Big Steps Forward

It should be amazing, but is instead predictable to point of being trite, that the Left and their minority share croppers step right from the Capitol Riot to the recent mass shooting in Buffalo, NY, while quietly stepping over all the similar incidents perpetrated by non-Whites that happened between the two incidents.

The Left and their more obviously non-White allies had to be expected to do this. After all, even before the January 6th altercation, they’d been either ignoring or actively supporting and lauding over a year of nationwide Black violence and insurrection, and had previously done the same for years and years of Blacks attacking random Whites in their “knockout game,” as well as years of intermittent but steady Black knife attacks upon Whites throughout NYC’s subway systems. And, let us not forget – though our domestic, racial enemies so want us to – the recent mass shooting on NYC’s subway system by an angry, white-hating Black male. That too was largely ignored or excused – and probably quietly celebrated – by them.

Yeah, the Left and their shitskins take big steps forward, over the unlamented White bodies of their people’s victims.

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Liberal Education System

Explaining The Liberal Education System
Explaining The Liberal Education System

And that is why the Liberals and Progressives, along with their minority sharecroppers, have spend decades infiltrating and suborning the educational systems of the Civilized World. They internalized Lenin’s words about education and plan to make the most of them that they can.

NOTE: To be heartlessly fair, we Americans largely chose the $$$ of doing over the far lesser compensation from teaching. Hence, we tacitly ceded the teaching industry to them.

Obviously, they’re not going to willingly include anything in their curricula that doesn’t advance their vision of the quasi/pseudo-nation that they want to replace America with. And, they’re going to keep trying in include extraneous and destructive false teachings in their curricula whenever they can manage to do so, e.g., Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Social Emotional Learning (SEL).

Hellfire! My Fellow Americans – Frankly, My Fellow Whites – if this shocks you or offends you a great deal, you are one of their useful idiots! The Left’s behavior in this is utterly and completely normal. We, the People did the same thing back in better, bygone days – admittedly, though without shame for something I had and could have no part in – with some pernicious and unfortunate ideas included in it.

And hey! Beyond hot, semi-anonymous babes, this may be one of the unsung benefits of the COVID-19 pandemic and panicdemic. Our children – well, yours; mine range in ages between 37 and 19 – have been effectively home-schooled for a couple of years now. We’ve finally gotten to witness what the official curricula are and what the teacher have included in it or spun it to be and have the chance to try to do something about it.

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