What Their Pronouns Mean

What Their Pronouns Mean
What Their Pronouns Mean

This is the way every American parent should handle teaching our children about people’s “pronouns.” We need to teach our children that, if a person specifies their pronouns and/or demands certain ones that are not intuitive be used for them, then they are insane and a danger to be avoided. They same holds true for any that specify and/or demand that specific, unintuitive pronouns be used when addressing or referencing others. They too are either crazy or are enabling the crazy people and, hence, are a similar or even worse danger to our children.

Part of protecting our children is to teach them how to protect themselves and “pronouns” are a strong and easy “red flag” that the person should be treated in the same manner as we taught our children to deal with strangers who accosted them.

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Worries Of Democrat Parents

Worries Of Democrat Parents
Worries Of Democrat Parents

Sadly, this sums up the core worries of Democrat parents – if they can be rightly called that – today. Their children using drugs and/or alcohol at young ages doesn’t strongly concern them. But, oh how critical or independent thought being shown by their young sets them right off!

These days, Dems raising children – more and more normally a single mother with no father in evidence or even known – would be less angry and horrified by their child not transitioning into another sex than finding out that they read anything by Ayn Rand!

The only bright side of this is that it is a self-correcting problem and one that won’t last much longer in the scope of history. For that, at least, Americans can be thankful. We and our nation can weather this storm by playing the long game and just doing what comes naturally.

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The Groomers’ Curriculum

The Groomers' Curriculum
The Groomers’ Curriculum

It was bad enough when the Liberal and Progressive sorts put Planned Parenthood in our schools, allowing for the issuing of both birth control and abortions to minors, often without parental notification or consent. Now, they’re indoctrinating children into the belief that they’re queer, trans, nonbinary without informing the parents of those children.

Sure sounds like a bunch of state-sponsored #groomers to me. First, they provide a means of covering up rapes and sexual abuse, then they separate the children from the parents, making the parents the adversary to be avoided, and continue grooming them into what they want the children to be.

This needs to be stopped. Some good measured have been done so far to correct for this violation, but we Americans have not risen up and done near enough nor the right things to put a permanent end to these practices and the #Groomers engaging in them or sitting by and allowing it to continue.

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Use The Magic Word

Now Use The Magic Word To Get What You Want
Now Use The Magic Word To Get What You Want

Well, somebody taught the young ones this. I’m not sure if it was the “parents,” the Leftist groomers who infiltrated America’s schools, or just the “influencers” on social media. But, somebody taught the younger end of Millennials and all of Gen Z that “I’m offended” are magic words that they can scream to get them anything that they want.

Sadly, nobody has yet taught most of them that magic words are just words. Or that a fist, boot, or weapon to your mouth will shut them up right quick more often than not. 😉

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Clean Underwear?

Clean Underwear?
Clean Underwear? Really?

Yeah, by the bulk of society’s estimates and feelings, I’m old. Hence, this is funnier to me than to many others… because parents actually said this to us in my day. Not mine, mind you, but a lot of them.

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