You Know It’s Bad …

You Know It's Bad … When Blonds Are Telling Ocasio-Cortez Jokes
You Know It’s Bad …

Yeah, you know it’s bad when blondes, traditional the butt of jokes about stupidity, are telling Ocasio-Cortez jokes. 😉

But AOC Jokes Are Just So Easy

What both makes such jokes easy enough for a blonde to get and maddening for the rest of Americans is that the jokes are really not much more than just retelling what AOC actually said, wrote, or did.

But then, intelligence is no longer a criteria for Democrat politicians to get elected and AOC did meet their actual criteria.

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Trump’s Racist Rhetoric

Trump's Racist Rhetoric
Trump’s Racist Rhetoric

Certain sorts and their media shills are once again trotting out their shibboleth of President Trump’s racist rhetoric. This time it’s over our President’s calling out of “The Squad” and their visceral and vocal hatred of America and Americans.

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

President Donald Trump

Of course, as most of us know, the only “reason” that President Trump’s rhetoric is considered racist by some is that they consider any White calling out the bad behavior of any non-White to be racist. Indeed, the only exception to this is that the same sorts believe that it is required to call out non-Whites in any circumstance when and where they might show an insufficient hatred towards Whites and America.

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AOC Fights Capitalism

AOC Fights Capitalism As Best As She Can - by swearing to use only lowercase letters
AOC Fights Capitalism As Best As She Can


Given the idiocy that this failed puta regularly expresses, that’s not just funny; it’s just about believable.

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AOC&’s Guiding The Dems

AOC's Guiding The Dems
AOC’s Guiding The Dems

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the darling of the Millennial Snowflakes, Crybullies, SJWs, and all the Socialist grifters is guiding the Democrats further and further to the Left. The way things are going, she and those like her are going to guide the Dems right of the cliff of either irrelevancy, civil war, or some combination of both.

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AOC Just A Glass Of Water

AOC Just A Glass Of Water With A D On It
AOC Is Just A Glass Of Water With A “D” On It

Oooh! Granny Shart aka Nancy Pelosi turn upon and snapped at Baby Shart aka Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Apparently, Crazy Ole Nancy is quite ready to pass the torch to the New Left. 😆

“When we won this election, it wasn’t in districts like mine or Alexandria’s,” Pelosi said. “[S]he’s a wonderful member of Congress as I think all of our colleagues will attest. But those are districts that are solidly Democratic.”

To drive the point home she picked up a water glass next to her and said: “This glass of water would win with a ‘D’ next to its name in those districts.”

Nancy Pelosi

Yep! A glass of water with a “D” next to its name. That how Nancy specifically referred to AOC and her victory in NY’s 14th District. Fucking Ouch! That’s cold.

Pelosi’s declamation was also both fanatically partisan and inaccurate. She utterly ignores the nature of the primary election and electorate that placed AOC in that Seat. Maybe she should have spoken to defeated incumbent Joseph Crowley, a White Man with 20 years of experience in office who lost his Seat primarily or largely because he was a White Man running this time against a Hispanic Woman in a district which became 49.80% Hispanic and only 18.41% White over recent-ish years.

More Than A D
It Take More Than A “D” Now

Face it, Folks, when even CNN acknowledges this sort of thing – though they’re careful to make it seem something not too distant from a positive – this is more than likely a real issue.

And Nancy might just want to think about that…

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