Where There’s Smoke…

Where There's Smoke There's Probably An MSM Arsonist
Where There’s Smoke There’s Probably An MSM Arsonist

Sadly and maddeningly, the truth today is that, when it comes to Republicans in general and President Trump in specific, where’s there’s smoke there’s a Lamestream Enemedia partisan committing arson. The “Press” has largely gone from reporting the news to manufacturing Fake News meant to destroy our nation’s people and the elected leaders we’ve chosen for ourselves.

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MSM Weather Reporting

MSM Weather Reporting
MSM Weather Reporting

This sums up MSM weather reporting quite well. No matter the weather, but especially if it’s storm, it’s “incontrovertible proof” of Global Warming. But then, Global Warming is a Leftist invention and the MSM have degenerated into nothing but Leftist propaganda outlets, so this is to be expected and given exactly the amount of credence its deserves.

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Libs & North Korean Nukes

So, on June 12, 2018 President Trump once again made history. He became the first sitting American president to undertake to meet with any leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) aka North Korea. He also moved us closer to their denuclearization, normalization of relations between the US and the DPRK, and a formal peace upon the Korean Peninsula.

America’s deranged leftist domestic enemies, these so-called Liberals and Progressives, are … shall we just say less than pleased by these events.

Wanted To Be Nuked
Liberals Would Prefer North Korea To Nuke Us

And, as expected, the ever-insurgent purveyors of fake news, the Lamestream Enemedia – as exemplified by CNN – has been both quick and eager to both downplay the POTUS’ unique accomplishment and paint it in negative light. This despite the fact that President Trump by his own will ratcheted down the tensions between the US and North Korea by doing what no previous POTUS has done, taking a less hawkish stance again the DPRK and cancelling the regular military exercises the US conducts with South Korea – exercises that North Korean leaders have always rightly considered an existential threat to their regime.

But It's Trump!
But It’s Trump, So It’s Bad

But so far Democrat politicians have been largely silent upon the President’s diplomatic coup. I’m sure, however, that they’re more than ready to take action if it does come to pass that the US and the DPRK soon reach something akin to, or even more open than, detente. 😉

Dems Want Kim, Not Trump To Win
Democrat Politicians Are Ready For Peace With DPRK

Of course, if this had been Obama instead of President Trump, you can be sure that the Left, the Lamestream Enemedia, and the Democrat Politicians would be all up and lauding his “landmark diplomacy” and his ending of “America’s Hegemonic Control” Of Indochina.

Then, Obama was their President and they saw him as the man who would fundamentally transform America into the new “nation” they wanted to replace America with.

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Self-Inflicted Integricide

MSM Suicide - Self-Inflicted IntegricideWhat the MSM aka the Lamestream Media aka Fake News has done to their credibility with the American people can best and most aptly be called Self-Inflicted Integricide. The same Presstitutes who whored themselves out to the Obama Regime picked up their proverbial guns and shot themselves through their journalistic ethics in an attempt to keep their “johns,” the evermore-extreme, delusional Left.

Then, after of decade of being little to nothing more than whores for the Liberals, Progressives, any group of non-normative protected trait bearers, they’ve utterly alienated the American people who had for many decades respected them. By this point there’s really no realistic path back for them. The integricide was mortal and I doubt that even heroic measures can save them now.

I say that I see no realistic hope for cure for what’s left the “Free Press” because, both for them and for the People, it’s only going to get worse. The Left, these Liberals and Progressives as they call themselves, are utterly intolerant of heresy and are quick to rant and rave against the MSM whenever they have decided that their presstitutes have step out of the fold by not being hateful enough towards anyone and everyone who doesn’t sufficiently comport themselves to the Left’s ever-changing and ever-degenerating standards.

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Hogg’s Hypocrisy

Hogg's HypocrisyHogg’s Hypocrisy – Neither All People Nor All Rights Are Equal

David Hogg’s hypocrisy knows no bounds or, at least, he and his handlers in the MSM aren’t going to let those bounds stand in the way of either his agenda or his notoriety. He’s all in favor of curtailing and infringing upon Americans’ 2nd Amendment rights but is quite angry about he and his fellow students being forced to use clear backpacks on campus and to be required to wear student IDs.

Then again, hypocrisy might not be the most accurate description, even if Hogg is sincere in his beliefs and not just a cynical, manipulative sociopath seeking fame and fortune in a media career. After all, Liberals and Progressives have long held that neither all rights nor all people are in fact equal and deserving of equal protections.

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