The Media’s Focus

The Media's Focus Is Agenda-Driven, Not Truth-Driven
The Media’s Focus Is Agenda-Driven, Not Truth-Driven

The Lamestream Media’s aka the Democrat Propaganda Corps‘ focus on international political-economics and election interference is driven wholly and solely by their agenda. It is not in any way shape or form driven by the truth. You will not see, read, or hear the truth from the barkers of the Lamestream Media unless that truth is harmful to President Trump and/or the GOP or can be spun by their “journalists” into being so.

Media Chooses Truth

They’ve been allowed to become the gatekeepers of information. Worse, they and the rest of the Democrats regularly decry any conflicting information as being a “conspiracy theory” or some form of “denier,” e.g., “science-denier,” and they refute the validity of any information source other than the Lamestream Media.

To sum it up, the Lamestream Media’s goal is shape public opinion in certain specific ways to further an agenda. It is not to inform the public or report upon issues of actual importance.

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Protected Narrative

Our Enemies' Protected Narrative
Our Enemies’ Protected Narrative

Yes, what we’re told still passes for a Press Corps is doctrinally attached to a Protected Narrative. The Lamestream media will do whatever it can to protect the Left’s narrative by protecting those who are possessed of a “protected trait.” This can be seen by how they respond – and quickly move on and away from – any stories that might be seen as not being especially favorable to those of Protected Classes of individuals.

But, this does raise a salient question. Is the Lamestream Media’s bias and religious adherence to the Protected Narrative due to their ideology? Or is it just a matter of them trying to not outrage and, hence, keep what is left of their viewers and, resultantly, their advertisers?

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Brace Yourselves, Folks!

Brace Yourselves, Folks!
Brace Yourselves, Folks!

Brace yourselves, Folks! Our President is about to pull the pacifier out of the maw of the fat, misborn, mongrel bastard that is the the Democrats’ propaganda corps aka the Lamestream Media aka Fake News aka the MSM again. Of course, this could be any given day since they, like so many pampered brats, refuse to wake up from their twisted dreams of collusion, obstruction, and the forcible removal of our duly and lawfully elected President of these, Our United States of America.

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Don’t Rush To Judgment

Don't Rush To Judgment! We Need Celebrity Analyses First
Don’t Rush To Judgment! We Need Celebrity Analyses First

That about sums up the Left’s pop-culture position upon the Mueller Report. They’re waiting until their Hierophants, e.g., Alysso Milano and/or Robert De Niro, can analyze it, interpret its “real” meanings, and tell them what to think and who to blame.

Celebrity Opinions?

Of course, the American people have a quite different opinion of the nature and value of both Hollywood celebrities and their opinion. If possible, they and their positions are worth even less than their co-conspirators in the Lamestream Media.

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CNN’s Turkey

Jim Acosta - CNN's Turkey
CNN’s Turkey – Jim Acosta

Yep. CNN’s turkey, Jim Acosta acts just like that. Like any good, Leftist propagandist, he substitutes accusations and snide lectures for the actual questions a true journalist would ask the POTUS if he was granted the privilege of having such access.

Of course, Acosta’s behavior is, unlike the White House Turkeys, utterly unpardonable. Indeed, the closest to a pardon Acosta should ever come is President Trump pardoning whichever patriot puts Acosta, his two daughters, and his son down. 😉

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