The Choice Is Ours

Jobs Not Mobs, The Choice Is Ours To Make
The Choice Is Ours – Jobs Not Mobs

With the very important for the future of our nation 2018 Midterm Elections right around the corner, I believe that’s it’s imperative for each and every American to remember that the Choice Is Ours! We can vote for Republicans and jobs or we can allow the Democrats’ mobs to win over we, the People. It’s that simple and that dire.

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The Witch Flies

The Witch Flies Tonight
The Witch Flies Tonight

Yep! Ole Hillary will once again straddle her broom and take to the skies tonight, spewing incivility and anti-Americanism like toxic contrails in the night skies. So watch yourselves while you’re out and remember that some in masks are evil.

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2018 Trick-Or-Treat Risks

2018 Trick 'R Treat Risks - Left-Wing Mobs assaulting Americans
2018 Trick-Or-Treat Risks

With Halloween fast approaching, you all take steps and make preparations for your own safety and the safety of your women and children. The Trick-Or-Treat Risks are a lot worse this year than most.

Remember, not all the ones out there in masks or scary looking clothes are there for the celebrations.  Some of them may be Democrats, like the #Resist-ers, #MeToo, #Antifa, and/or #BlackLivesMatter.

So, be care out there and don’t hesitate to do whatever you feel is necessary to make it home safe at the end of the night’s trick-or-treating.

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Stop The Left!

Stop The Left! Stop The Mob!

We Americans must stop the Left and not be deterred from saving our families, people, culture, race, and nation from their evil.  This is especially true in the wake of their leadership’s endorsement of violence against our people. Hellfire! This is existentially true at this point.

But, what the GOP ad above implies – that we can stop the Left and their mobs through our votes – is wrong or, at least overly optimistic and incomplete. The Left, having decided to eschew civility in favor of violence, is not going to be stopped by ensuring that they’re not voted into office.  The Left will only be stopped by main force.

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No Power, No Civility

No Power, No Civility
No Power No Civility

Yep, Ole Hillary crawled back out whatever dank hole she nests in between ill-thought screeds and proclaimed that, “[If the Dems]…are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again.” This, coming at a time when Republicans being shot, stabbed, doxxed, beaten, mailed ricin, run out of restaurants, and they and their families sent rape and death threats, has most Americans rightly outraged and concerned with her and other prominent Leftists’ calls for insurrection, violence and mob rule.

Rather than focus on the violence – with 70 million American patriots under arms, we can be deal with the Dems’ threat and in the process cull their voting base enough to geld them as political force – I think we should, instead, focus more on Hillary’s promise of “civility” if we allow them to regain any real power.  This is because their sort’s definition and enforcement of “civility” is a far worse and more lasting danger than any violence they will perpetrate.

Americans need only look to the Dem’s constituencies to see and understand what “civility” means under their rule.  The concerted banning of American voices on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube clearly show us what type “civility” their sort will demand.  Or we, the People can merely look to what their Fake News industry chooses to report and how they choose to editorialize that reporting. Or one can simply look to what is happening almost daily in the failing, degenerate remains of America’s colleges and universities.

“Civility,” when demanded and enforced by Democrats is always nothing less- or other than the censorship via law or extra-judicial measures of anyone whose opinion is apologetically different from their orthodoxy – an orthodoxy predicated upon the dogma of Political Correctness which is, in turn, predicated upon the narrative of “Social Justice.

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen of America, is what we must fight against, be in via the ballot box, in the streets, or from the rooftops. It isn’t even about Making America Great Again; it’s about keeping America alive and recognizable as the nation she was born to be.

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