Toilet Paper? Bah!

Toilet Paper? Bah! Got Me Some Dryer Sheets
Toilet Paper? Bah! Got Me Some Dryer Sheets

You’all go ahead with craziness and panic buying. I’m old enough to work around your failings. 😆

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March Of The Mad

Democrats' March Of The Mad
March Of The Mad

There’s not much else to call the Democrats’ impeachment farce other than the March Of The Mad – reminiscent of some child’s parody of Japan’s Hyakki Yagyō. And no, it doesn’t even rise to the level of political kabuki since the players, the script, and the Dems’ performance are of a level more often found in grade-school theatrics.

And yes, it’s both so boring and so poorly done that, as one my regular commenters wrote, “So far nobody other than the Democrat faithful can stand to watch the impeachment side show.

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Thematically Boring

Democrat Idiots Are Thematically Boring
Democrat Idiots Are Thematically Boring

In some ways, the Democrats’ greatest sin is that they’re thematically boring. They’ve got one, singular theme – Destroy President Trump – and they just keep repeating it ad nauseam, with only superficial variation thereupon. Essentially, they’ve got a moribund, one-trick pony whose dead carcass they just keep beating upon … for 1,277 days and still counting.

And remember, certain sorts among the Dems want us all to know that, after this coup attempt fails, they can and will do it again, and again, and again until either forced to stop or they get thier way.

At times I almost believe that Dems are less about telling a lie big enough and keep repeating it often enough and people will eventually come to believe it, than they are about telling the same lie so many times in so many slight variations that people grow bored and ignore their actions.

But, at the end of the day, it’s rather horrific that the Democrats have continuously engaged in a concerted effort to overthrow the will of we, the People, and forcibly remove the POTUS we elected to office and what most of us can say about it at this point is that we’re bored with this shit.

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Yeah, Clown College

Clown College
Yeah, Clown College – They’ve Normalized It

S’true! A large part of what wrong with America’s “higher education” system can be laid at the feet of the universities, but not all of it. A lot of it has to blamed upon the students and their clownish attempts at decision making and responsibility.

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An Old Argument Reprised

An Old Argument Reprised By The Dems

It seems that various Democrats are dead set against the upcoming 2020 Census including a question about citizenship / immigration status – a question that had been included in the decennial survey during much of America’s history. They even got one of their pet “judges” to block the Commerce Department from re-adding the citizenship question to the 2020 census questionnaire.

Thankfully, the SCOTUS has decided to hear the case in an expedited manner so that this perfidy can be mitigated.

But hey! This is something that President Trump either authorized or, at least, was done by somebody in his Administration. Hence, Democrats engaging in lawfare against it and any exercise of our President’s lawful authority or that of his Administration is the new normal. What is shocking and what says a lot about truth of what Democrats still are in their hearts and minds is the argument they’ve brought forth.

Democrats from at least 14 “Blue States” led by those ruling California are incredibly scared that such a question on this census could cause them to lose seats in the House of Representatives, votes in the Electoral College, and federal tax money disbursements, due to Illegal Aliens unlawfully refusing responding to the Census questionnaire if such a question is included upon it.

An Old, Old, Old Dem Argument Shamelessly Reprised

Yeah, that’s a new coat of lipstick on an old, old, old Democrat argument – an argument they’ve used with different wording but the same rationale as early as 1783 when they demanded that those who could not vote could still be used by Democrats to garner them the benefits of increased representation in the House and the Electoral College. Then, they’ve shown before that they really haven’t changed that much in the intervening time. They’ve just switched out which group of slaves to try to use for their rather foul and self-serving purposes.

Perhaps the SCOTUS will render a compromise ruling, having the citizenship question included on only Three-Fifths of the questionnaires.

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