Armed And Unstable

Armed And Unstable
Armed And Unstable

It’s extremely ironic – hypocritical too, if Biden is even aware of his own dementia – that Creepy Uncle Joe is blathering and ranting about keeping firearms out of the hands of the “Mentally Unstable.” 🙄 In theory, this dangerously senile dodderer has the nuclear arsenal of the US at his palsied, liver-spotted fingertips.

Remember, this is the same mush-brained remains of a man who went totally off script and essentially called for a Christian holy war against Russia.

On the bright-ish side, I’m fairly sure that the “Deep State” has taken measures to remove First Strike Capacity from Biden, much like they probably did to President Trump and Obama.

So Easy, So Commonsensical, So Proven To Be Prone To Evil

Give Mr. Bad Hands and his handlers some credit. Arguing to take firearms away from and keep them away from the mentally unstable is seriously easy to say, easy to believe in, and a normative pillar of “common sense gun control.” Who in their right mind would argue against it?

Who in their right mind would argue against it? Anyone with a knowledge and understanding of history.

Across a large swaths of the world, including to our shame America, psychiatry and the declaring of individuals as mentally unstable and unfit has a long and pernicious history of being weaponized and used as a means of tyranny. There is no reason, if the opportunity is presented, for that not to happen here again.

Indeed, it has happened here in the US as recently as 2009, when many veterans returning from Iraq and/or Afghanistan were forced to preemptively and prophylactically present evidence to the Obama Regime’s satisfaction that they were mentally stable enough to resist “right-wing extremism” or have their right to keep arms stripped from them.

They Can’t Build It And They Can’t Make It Better

But – or also, depending on how you want to approach this – there is neither the capacity nor the will to make anything close to unified registry or repository of mental health Diagnoses across the Several-States. Hence, even if someone was declared mentally unfit, they’d only have to change the state in which they purchased a firearm and/or resided to avoid that prohibition.


So, Biden’s statement is easy to say, but his doing so just another example of his mental incompetence and the mental instability of those who agree with it.

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Tanlines - They Say A Lot
Tanlines – They Say A Lot

As we begin the march into Summer weather, let’s all remember that your tanlines say lot about you. 😆

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The Last Day Is The 1st Day

The Last Day Is The 1st Day, Uncle Joe

And no, this is not a threat per se; it’s just a statement of fact. With each incremental step that Democrats take towards forcible disarming the American citizenry, civil war and the extermination of them and the sorts that they pander to- and enable comes that much closer to fruition.

There’s are reasons why Americans have been stockpiling arms and ammunitionto the point that, nationwide, manufacturers can’t keep up with the demand – and those reasons are the Democrats the Likely Democrats, and the Future Democrats within our nation’s borders. Americans know what’s coming. The Dems’ insurrection against President Trump and their finally successful coup in 2020, showed the world that sad fact and the lengths our domestic enemies would go to in order to seize power.

Biden and his handlers, along with his various supporters, should really give some serious thought to the simple math involved. If only 3% – yes, the (in)famous 3% – of the 50 – 60 million patriots under arms at this moment choose to actively or proactively resist the Dems’ infringement upon our 2nd Amendment, that’s 1.5 – 1.8 million militiamen and -women in the field under the banner of American Liberty.

Ladies, Gentlemen, and anything under the Democrat penumbra that might be reading this, that 3% would be 62 – 75% of the total military personnel of the US government, active and reserve (approx. 2,406,000) and near to 8x the number of combat personnel in the entirety of the US military worldwide. How do you think that civil war would go? How many under the Democrat penumbra do you think would even live to see the end of it?

As I stated at the beginning of this post, this is not a threat. This is a statement of fact and a warning to those who loath and hate the core liberties and mores of America. The last day of the 2nd Amendment will be the 1st day of the Second American Revolution.

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We Got Your 6, Elmer

We Got Your 6, Elmer
We Got Your 6, Elmer

Amazing! After a fairly long hiatus since the last, not so well thought out attempt, they’re bringing back some Loony Tunes characters, specifically Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam. Of course, Hollywood being Hollywood, they’ve decided to do so utterly without firearms … Because, you know, “gun violence” and firearms send the wrong message to the kiddies 🙄

Yep! They’re bringing back a hunter and crazed gunslinger/cowboy, but without guns, which makes so much sense.

But don’t be concerned. The executive producer and showrunner, Peter Browngardt made it clear that the new shorts will be filled to the brim with that Olde Time Loony Tunes violence and mayhem … but no guns.

“We’re not doing guns,” executive producer and showrunner Peter Browngardt said in an interview with The New York Times.

“But we can do cartoony violence — TNT, the Acme stuff. All that was kind of grandfathered in.”In a short titled “Dynamite Dance,” Fudd uses a scythe as he chases his nemesis Bugs Bunny. Bugs Bunny responds by using explosives to blow Fudd up multiple times.

So, maybe a mashup with some Peanuts characters are in order. After all, Mr. Schulz was never afraid to go against the ideas of studio execs.

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Now vs. Next Week Or So

Now vs. Next Week - The Gun-Grabber Yoyo
Now vs. Next Week Or So – The Libtard Yo-yo

Really, this should have been titled, “Last Week vs. Now vs. Next Week Or So” but there’s those annoying space restrictions.

But yeah, this does sum up the yo-yo like rants of the Liberals. One minute their ranting how only the police should be armed; then, they’re ranting about the police being evil and racist; and then, once the current paroxysm of Black Violence has run its course, they’re right back to crying that only the police should be armed.

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