Dem’s Shithole Fishing

Dems Fishing At The Shithole
Dem’s Shithole Fishing For Votes & Tax Dollars

Be assured of one thing, My Fellow Americans; the Democrat politicians at both state and federal levels are not so enamored with immigration, legal or otherwise, out of any sense of compassion for these foreigners – especially the ones from the world’s shitholes. No, they’re just fishing for votes and tax dollars just as they always are.

It’s Not About Voter Fraud

This is not to say that these Dems are trying to- or expecting to get noncitizens to vote for them. No, thankfully, that sort of voter fraud is statistically nonexistent.

No, the primary sort of votes the Dems are fishing for is Electoral College votes and seatshence, votes – in the US House of Representatives. Truthfully, if they want to stay even marginally relevant in the post-2020 future, they have to keep fishing for immigrants. Americans and long-term foreign residents are fleeing the Blue States. The only thing allowing these states to mitigate the effects of this is through foreign immigrants like New York and California do.

But, of course, these Dem politicians are also looking for votes for themselves from their Liberal and Progressive constituencies, constituencies that have proven to be both rabidly fanatical on non-White immigration and prone to extreme responses to perceived waffling on this issue at all.

Well, this is true of White Democrats at least. The Congressional Black Caucus is a bit more specific in their support for immigration from shithole countries.

And, of course, Tax Money

It’s really just simple math – arithmetic really – much of the taxpayers’ monies distributed to the several states is done so based upon population either directly or indirectly. Given that the Dems’ bailiwicks would be in a rather steep population decline, they need immigrants, legal or otherwise, to bolster those numbers, lest they lose out.

And, lest we either forget or simply turn a blind eye, immigrants, mostly illegals, provide the labor force for many businesses that thrive in the urban zones where Democrats also flourish. That brings in state level tax dollars and resultant clout into these Democrat politicians grasp. A perfect example of this being the plethora of nail salons in and around NYC which are owned by Asian legal immigrants who, in turn, “hire” illegal immigrants – some of whom are victims of human trafficking – and keep them essentially enslaved and living in squalid conditions. Another example would be the various sweatshops that proliferate in urban, i.e., Democrat, zones such as NYC or Chicago.

These industries, some of whom can only be competitive against foreign companies through enacting the same horrid conditions as the sweatshops in the Third World, all provide taxes to the states. Frankly, given that, it’s not even surprising that Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL 23), former Chair of the DNC, said that illegal immigrants were the backbone of the economy.


Yes, do always remember that, whenever a Democrat politician makes a strong statement in favor of increased immigration, it’s not about compassion; it’s about and only about, self-interest and the interests of the Democrat Party professionals.

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Start Packing!

Start Packing Your Fucking Bags!Start Packing!

Yes! Why don’t these anti-American filth start packing their fucking bags and emigrating out of America? The Gods know that they hate the nation, its culture, and the majority of its citizens.

The answer is really quite simple. They like America’s money; they like America’s attention; and they like America’s overwhelming tolerance. None of these things can they maintain or get the equivalent of if they were to leave the country.

But, of course none of these parasites ever really intended to unlatch from their host, America. They’re threat to do so if Trump was elected was just another example of their delusions of self-worth and value. It was just the narcissistic threats of idiots who truly believe that Americans care whether or not they leave the country, as if their presence or the lack thereof would actually matter.


No. If Americans want to hold these people to their word, we’re going to have to force them to start packing. Fortunately for us, as these are Hollywood types we already have the blueprint for doing so. All it would take would take is to restart the House Un-American Activities Committee either as a formal, chartered entity or as a program within the House Judiciary Committee.

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The Greatness Of America

Fleeing to Canada? We Can Sell Your HomeMoving to Canada? We Can Sell Your Home

A fundamental part of the greatness of America is our entrepreneurial spirit and a fundamental part of the efficacy of Americans’ entrepreneurial spirit is our culture’s love of- and respect for finding a perceived need and fulfilling for a profit.

Even the rising tide of certain sorts declaring that they’re going to flee to Canada is to the mind and eyes of the American an opportunity to be exploited and a need to be fulfilled. 😉

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Liberals Fear Latinos?

Almost every election and during the course of many court cases Americans have to hear how various and sundry Liberals and Progressives claim that they will emigrate to Canada if things don’t go their way. This is especially true right now with Donald Trump being the presumptive Republican Nominee for POTUS.

Liberal Latinophobes
Liberal Latinophobes

This is especially ironic since our domestic enemies at once deride Trump and a racist and always say they’re going to ever-so-White Canada and never oh-so-brown Mexico.

Seems to me that these hand wringing, abuse spewing Leftists are actually afraid of- and hateful towards Latinos, the very demographic that they so vocally pander to and claim that Americans oppress so horribly. Elsewise, why wouldn’t they ever threaten to move to Mexico with its socialized medicine, lower cost of living, and generally nicer climate?

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Reichsfluchtsteuer 2.0

US-Dem-Nazi-SwastikaSenators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Bob Casey (D-PA) don’t like when the wealthy flee the United States in order to shield their wealth from government confiscation. So they’re planning on introducing their “quaintly” named Ex-PATRIOT Act to ensure that such individuals must leave a large portion of their wealth behind when they flee.

I guess that, in the minds of the Democrats, the wealthy are the new Jews. They must be because Mankind has seen this before. It was the Reichsfluchtsteuer, the Reich flight tax, that the Nazis imposed on Jews trying to flee Germany in the 1930s. It was set at 25% of assets but, not to be outdone, Schumer and Casey set Reichsfluchtsteuer 2.0 at 30%.

Social Democrat, National Socialist, or Democratic Socialist, it’s all the same. All movements and parties of this sort need scapegoats and take the same actions against them.

Funny, I thought that when Fascism came to America it was supposed to do so wrapped in the American flag and carrying a Cross and/or, possibly whistling the “Star Spangled Banner.” I guess I, and a number of others, were wrong. Fascism is going to come to America exactly as it did to Weimar Germany in the 1930s.

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