Please! Cue Up That Screed

Please! Cue Up That Screed
Please! Cue Up That Screed, Jackass

Oh yes! I do so hope that the Jackasses of the Left, especially the Feminazi cunts, have the chutzpah to actually cue up and launch into one of their screeds on “White Privilege” and “Toxic Masculinity” when the three front-runners for the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination are: Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Beto O’Rourke – all well-to-do White men and all with a history of “inappropriate” behavior towards women.

But we all know that they will cue up that screed and rant it to world and uncaring heavens, don’t we? After all, “it’s not the same thing” in their minds any more than Clinton, Franken, or Ellison are the same thing – again, in their minds.

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Convention Coverage

The Lamestream Media's version of it at leastMSM Convention Coverage

The Lamestream media dutifully provided coverage for both the Republican and Democrat Nation Conventions and the official nominations of their respective presidential candidates. Of course they did so in what has become their new, normal style.

Then, this is of little shock. The elites within the Democrat party, such as Donna Brazile, are actually in the employ of various Lamestream propaganda outlets, proving that in these degenerate times their is no separation between the Democrats and the media.

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The DNC’s Donna

As most are probably aware, the MSM being what it is in this age, Debbie Wasserman Shultz has resigned from her position as the head of the Democratic National Committee in the wake of Wikileaks release of 19,252 hacked DNC emails, some of which showed that the DNC under Wasserman Shultz was actively aiding Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders throughout the Democrats’ primary race. She’s to be replaced by Donna Brazile.

Debbie Wasserman Shultz
The New Head Of Hillary’s “50-State” Campaign

No worries for Debbie though. Hillary immediately made an “honest woman” of her by naming her the new head of the Clinton campaign’s 50 States Program to gain ground and elect Democrats in every part of the country and continue to be Hillary’s surrogate.

There’s simply no one better at taking the fight to the Republicans than Debbie–which is why I am glad that she has agreed to serve as honorary chair of my campaign’s 50-state program to gain ground and elect Democrats in every part of the country, and will continue to serve as a surrogate for my campaign nationally, in Florida, and in other key states.

— Hillary Clinton

So Debbie’s out of the DNC and out of the closet, as were, and Donna Brazile, Debbie’s second in command, is now in charge of the DNC until at least after the convention. Most likely she’ll continue on as the DNC’s Chairwoman until the 2016 elections are over. After all, she brings so much that so important to the Dems’ struggle.

We're not going to let the White boys winDonna Brazile – We’re Not Going To Let The White Boys Win

It should be a smooth transition of power too. Donna was acting alongside the Clintons against the Sanders’ campaign right along with Wasserman Shultz. Hence, this change is the pro forma, surface-only change – ironically with a Jew as the scapegoat – that one has to expect from the Democrat political establishment.

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Bern Or Bust?

With Bernie Sanders having not only lost the primary but having had little choice but to publicly endorse Hillary Clinton, it’s time to close the book on the Left’s favorite Socialist.

Bern Or Bust? The Answer Is Bust

And, since we’re closing the book on Bernie, I’m closing the folder of Bernie images as well. It’s rather apropos that all that remains of Sanders is a bunch of leftover images and memes that amount to nothing, just as Bernie Sanders at the end of his run amounted to nothing.

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Ride’s Over, Bois

Ride's Over, Bois. Go back to your dollies
Get Off! The Ride’s Over, Bois

You almost have to feel sorry for the #BernOuts and #Sandernistas. That magical unicorn ride that their mommies and daddies payed for – yeah, paid for; there’s no such thing as a free ride – is over. Hillary Clinton has the Democrats’ nomination for POTUS and Bernie Sanders is over and done with, another failed Also Ran soon to be lost to dust of time.

I guess the poor, little snowflakes forgot two fact of life: Socialism only gains control of a nation through direct, violent force of arms; and their sorts are so very, very afraid of guns, whereas the American people aren’t.

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