Marked Safe

Marked Safe From Drinking Bud Light
Just Letting You Know – I’m Marked Safe

Of course, I was always safe, having been raised right. I don’t and never have willingly drank Bud Light. In these times, I don’t need to pasteurize water before drinking it. 😉

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When I first ran across the “issue” of Bud Light going all Transphilic, my first thought was to post how it didn’t matter and even made a certain amount of sense. Then, I found this video. 😆

Perfect! Utterly perfect! And better than I could do.

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Beer, Pretzels, and Boobs


Time To Enjoy Beer, Pretzels, and Boobs
(Click to Enlarge)

We’re winding up this year’s Octoberfest. It’s time to enjoy some beer, pretzels, and boobs while you still can.

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How I Learned To Love


How I Learned To Love The Virus… And Canoe Beer

And that is how I learned to love the virus – one which will be with us forever – and “canoe beer.” See? If you tilt your head and squint, you make something good out of almost anything.

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Wife Her Up!

Wife Her Up!

Gentlemen – and a few of you ladies – take my advice in this. If you see a woman like this, wife her up. Put. A. Ring. On. That!

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