Holiday Optography

Holiday Optography
We Can Prove The Cat Did Ir
Holiday Optography

Through the “science” of Optography, we can finally prove that the cat is the culprit!

Oh! And for the snarksters and pedants out there: While Optography was debunked and later derided as Junk Science – much like Phrenology – we’re actually pretty damn close to essentially being able to do that. 😉

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Global Warming’s Roots

Global Warming's Roots
Global Warming’s Roots

The roots of Global Warming, as certain sorts have been trying to sell it for over a decade, is simply Socialism in the context of the Globalists’ meta-State. It’s just an excuse to strip wealth and power from the “Privileged” societies and redistribute it to the Third World.

As we come into the 2018 elections, it’s critical for the American people to keep this firmly in mind. The “intersectionality” between the Warmists and the Socialists cannot be overstated any more than it can be untangled. They are at this point the same enemy of America.

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The Farce Continues

Welcome to the Dark Side, the intersection of anti-White ideology and science fantasy.

The Democrats' Climate Farce Goes Galactic
The Farce Continues

Yep! Obama and Clinton, most likely, would be perfectly cast in The Farce Continues. That’s the way Liberals and Progressives, and the Democrat politicians that farm them work.  As long as the West, especially America, is too White, they’ll keep pushing their death cult upon us.

IPCC Mind Trick
These Are Not The Graphs You Are Looking For

The thing is that our Dark Side doesn’t just have two Sith, one Master and one apprentice. It’s got a whole corrupt order of them. It’s called the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

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Climate Trends

Climate is different from weather and one has to look at longer term trends when one studies climate and any changes to it.

44 Years Of Climate Trends
(Click to Enlarge)

So it’s true; over the past 44 years there’s been a significant change in the climate…the climate of crisis.

But would it surprise anyone that the whole Global Cooling hysteria of the 1970s conspicuously coincided with rants about sulfur dioxide (SO2) when threats of acid rain weren’t generating “enough” changes to- and reductions of First World industries?

And would it shock you to learn that what warming there has been in the Earth’s climate also conspicuously coincides with the reductions in sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions that were demanded by various governments in reaction to Global Cooling fear-mongering?

Well, at least the last 44 years of climate trends shows a measurable and repeating pattern. 😉

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Running Hot and Cold

It's Global Warming! The Libtards know this because of their Art History degrees
AGW – Running Hot And Cold

What more is there to really say beyond the only “Climate Chaos” is that among the miseducated Liberals and Progressives as they scramble for a rationale to continue their attacks upon the economies of the Civilized World? What more is there to say beyond that the only “Meltdown” is the one happening among the Warmists as they fail to do so?

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