Climate Trends
Climate is different from weather and one has to look at longer term trends when one studies climate and any changes to it.
(Click to Enlarge)
So it’s true; over the past 44 years there’s been a significant change in the climate…the climate of crisis.
But would it surprise anyone that the whole Global Cooling hysteria of the 1970s conspicuously coincided with rants about sulfur dioxide (SO2) when threats of acid rain weren’t generating “enough” changes to- and reductions of First World industries?
And would it shock you to learn that what warming there has been in the Earth’s climate also conspicuously coincides with the reductions in sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions that were demanded by various governments in reaction to Global Cooling fear-mongering?
Well, at least the last 44 years of climate trends shows a measurable and repeating pattern. 😉
Tags: AGW | Climate Change | CO2 | Global Cooling | Global Warming | Humor | Junk Science | Sarcasm | Science | SO2 | Society | Warmists