College And Our Youth

College And Our Youth
College And Our Youth

College today is – so far, mostly metaphorically – a concerted effort by our nation’s domestic enemies to kill off American youth in order to replace them and every facet of our culture with their deranged and destructive ideology.

Honestly, because of our weakness and apathy, the colleges within America’s borders have turned into cesspits of Anti-White, Ant-Hetero, and Anti-Normalcy. And, each school year they seem to degenerate further into madness and Anti-Americanism. We’re at the point when and where we, the People either need to find alternative for our youth or purge these colleges of their undesirable elements and curricula.

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The Times We Live In

The Times We Live In When Normal Is Wrong
The Times We Live In, When Normal Is Wrong

We, most assuredly sadly, live in an age where all that is not male, not White, and/or not heterosexual is held up as greatness and in which anything male, White, and/or heterosexual is decried as abhorrent or, at the very least, utterly unworthy of praise or recognition due to that very maleness, Whiteness, and/or heterosexuality.

And do be aware and assured that our domestic enemies whole issue with normal people is that they are still the majority and still exemplars of- and adherents to the long-standing, dominant culture in and of America.

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SJW’s In A Nutshell

SJW’s In A Nutshell

What makes this video equal parts hilarious and maddening is that it’s so close to the objective truth of what’s happening and what’s heinously wrong with American society in these latter, degenerate days. Sure, I doubt that any comic or speaker ever had to suffer through all of these attacks by the ever-offended SJW’s in so rapid of succession, but we’ve all seen them be assaulted in each of these ways repeatedly.

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Liberal Obsessions

Journalist, writer, and pundit Joseph Sobran, while rightfully disdained as an Anti-Semite, spoke wisely when he wrote about what Liberalism has degenerated to.

Liberalism has come to stand for an obsession with the abnormal for its own sake—the minority, the dissident, the outsider, the deviant, and so on. One detects an actual preference for the Soviet Union in clashes between Soviet and American interests—and not because the Soviet Union is idealized, but because America is to be attacked on any pretext. The old liberal universalism has decayed into a generic anti-patriotism whose targets include just about anything traditionally central in the West: religion, family, country.

The liberal finds something to say on behalf of Communism, abortion, homosexuality, pornography, or anything else irritating to a healthy sense of morality, as if the enlightened position could always be found at the opposite pole from normal instinct.

— Joseph Sobran
“Pensées: Notes for the Reactionary of Tomorrow”
National Review (December 31, 1985)

And, just as Sobran was right then, his words are at least as true today. Liberals display a morbid habit of always sacrificing the normal to the abnormal. It’s a pathology born out of the derangement of Oikophobia.

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