College And Our Youth

College today is – so far, mostly metaphorically – a concerted effort by our nation’s domestic enemies to kill off American youth in order to replace them and every facet of our culture with their deranged and destructive ideology.
Honestly, because of our weakness and apathy, the colleges within America’s borders have turned into cesspits of Anti-White, Ant-Hetero, and Anti-Normalcy. And, each school year they seem to degenerate further into madness and Anti-Americanism. We’re at the point when and where we, the People either need to find alternative for our youth or purge these colleges of their undesirable elements and curricula.
Tags: #Woke | Abnormalcy | America | Christophobia | College | Critical Race Theory | Democrats | Genocide | Heterophobia | Indoctrination | LGBTQ | Liberals | Progressives | Purge | Society | Trannies | Transphilia | War On Straights | War On Whites | White Genocide | Youth