Reality TV POTUS

Barack Obama has, throughout what there is of his political career, always understood the power of the media in politics and shaping public opinion.

I am who the media says I am. I say what they say I say. I become who they say I’ve become.

— Barack Obama
The Audacity of Hope (2006)

That’s all well and good. It shows a certain pragmatic wisdom that is often lacking in American politicians. The problem is that, as the POTUS, Obama and his regime have decided to become the media, replacing the free press with their own staff.

Reality Show President: White House TV

As Reason TV so aptly describes, Obama has not only become a media mogul of sorts, he became one of America’s best known Reality Television celebrities, with the carefully scripted but oh-so-real looking image that is less even than a caricature of the person or office in question.

“The White House has effectively become a broadcast company,” says Michael Shaw, publisher of, a site dedicated to the analysis of news images. Shaw explains how strategically composed photos, taken by official White House photographers, travel from social media sites that are controlled by the administration to the front pages of newspapers around the world.

The press publishes the official White House photographs because independent photographers and videographers  are increasingly barred from covering the president. This practice has diminished the power of the independent media as an exclusive distribution channel while empowering official photographers such as Pete Souza, who are on the presidential payroll.  

And so, says Shaw, the public has been fed a steady diet of whatever kind of president the news cycle demands. When conspiracy theorists questioned Obama’s patriotism, we saw images of Obama the American everyman. To celebrate the anniversary of Rosa Parks’ 1955 refusal to move to the back of a public bus in Montgomery, Alabama, we saw Obama reenact her famous image. Time and again, we see Obama striking poses out of John F. Kennedy’s repertoire. The official White House photographers have created a presidential identity for every conceivable occasion—as long as the image is flattering, and almost always, larger than life.

This would be both sad and laughable if it wasn’t both scarily effective and yet another nail in the coffin of America’s constitution, which demands a free press. Nor is it in any way wrong for the Obama Regime to try to get their crafted image of the President out there. The issue is that they’re stifling and supplanting the free press in order to do so. Down that road, and not very far at all, lies tyranny.

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Because They Care

Obama The Liar-in-ChiefThe Obama Regime and their Liberal sycophants want both the shutdown of large parts of the federal government to end and there to be no doubt about- or argument over once again raising the Federal Government’s debt ceiling because they care so much about the country and we, the People…or so they’ll claim whenever foolishly given the hand-out of an opportunity to do so.

This sounds good. It sounds exactly like what a POTUS should be thinking and saying during situations like these. It’s quite a shame that it’s just another of the boy’s incessant lies.

The truth of what the Obama and his coterie in the White care about has been revealed to be somewhat different than those oft-repeated claims.

On Oct. 4, a senior official in the Obama administration told The Wall Street Journal that the administration doesn’t care about how long the government remains shut down.

“We are winning,” the official said. “It doesn’t really matter to us” how long the shutdown lasts because what matters is the end result,” the source added.

And that is the truth of it. Neither Obama nor the Democrats in general care about Americans or the American people. All they care about is victory – not even in this standoff, but in the 2014 and 2016 elections – no matter what the costs to others might be.

It also explains why Obama won’t agree to any legislation that would keep Veterans Affairs and NIH open during the shutdown. And it explains why they shutdown open air memorials that actually cost more tax dollars to close than to keep open.

Tear it down before we tear you and your's down, you worthless, misborn sack of monkey shit.
Tear Down This Wall, Boy!

Sadly for some number of Americans, the Obama Regime thinks that they’re winning by shutting down the government and blaming Republicans, and such callous gamesmanship is their sole criteria for caring about anything. Hence, they’re not likely to change course unless the People rise up and prove to them that they’re not, in fact, winning anything with their insensitivity towards- and despite for both the American people and their constituency, the latter of whom are far more dependent upon government largess.

I wonder if the boy and his Liberals have ever read of the Battle of Cannae and it’s detailing of the dangers of thinking you’re winning because you seem to be moving forward.

And yes, for those few of you who have studied history, I know that this is a somewhat ironic musing since Obama and his Liberals have sacrificed more babies to dark Gods than the Carthaginians ever did.

Know this and know it well the Obama Regime does not care for or about the American people at all. They even only care about their fellow-travelers and minority tenants on election day and act accordingly based upon this mindset. They care about victory and ruling our country for their ends and nothing else.

The filth belongs hanging from a tree, not fouling the White HouseOf course, this is not in any way shock. Years ago the American people learned the hard way that Obama in his cabal: do not watch for our souls; do not believe that they must give account to either us or the God(s); and do not, in the case of 53% of us, care what is unprofitable for us? They broke their covenant immediately upon believing they had come to power.

We, the People must hold these uncaring, would-be tyrants accountable for their failures and malicious misdeeds. The only questions of merit are what forms and within what limits, if any at all, our reprisals should take.


They will be responsible for letting a condition develop in this country which will create a climate that will bring seeds up out of the ground with vegetation on the end of them looking like something their people never dreamed of. In 2013 and beyond it’s no longer time for the ballot; that season has past after bearing cancerous fruit.

Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉 Remember also, if you love your children, you must know that their children are the enemy as well and must be exterminated.

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Deporting Piers Morgan

Piers MorganA large number of Americans want CNN’s Piers Morgan, who happens to be a British national living and working within America, deported due to his attacks upon the Second Amendment and the rights of American citizens. As of the writing of this post over 70,000 people have electronically signed the White House petition to have Morgan deported from our country, almost three times the threshold which requires a response.

This is commendable, but only for the symbolism of it all as nothing will ever come of this petition and any response that the Obama Regime deigns to give – assuming that they even bother to abide by their own rules in this matter – will be meaningless at best and will more likely be derogatory in nature.

Obamas and Morgan
The Obamas And Piers Morgan – Birds Of A Feather

There’s effectively no chance that Obama will have Morgan deported for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens. The Obamas and Morgan have a close, personal relationship and Morgan is one of Obama’s more dependable cheerleaders among a MSM that is known for their slavish loyalty to the First Black President. Besides, when has Obama ever sided with the American people against a foreign power or national?

So all the Americans out there bitterly clinging to their guns had best both cling to them a little tighter and think long and hard about why you’re really doing so and make ready to do a lot more than just sign a few symbolic but effectively useless petitions. Either that, or resign yourself to eventually having those guns and the other rights they defend stripped from you, your children, and your children’s children.

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Obama’s Growing Problem

Despite being handed a book deal on the topic, the First Lady is, in this singular instance, honest enough to acknowledge that she doesn’t possess a green thumb and her rather high profile garden in the White House’s South Lawn hasn’t been a spectacular success.

Sadly for America, her husband is no better and definitely doesn’t have a green thumb either.

Obama's Growing Problem
Obama’s Growing Problem

That’s not to say he has a black thumb, meaning that he kills all he tries to grow. He’s been quite effective at growing one thing, the National Debt. I’d guess you’d say that the boy’s got a “red thumb.” All that he can grow is debt and outlay. 😉

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Obama & Our Constitution

Many Americans firmly believe that the Obama Regime has absolutely no respect or use for the US Constitution.

White House Toilet Paper
The New White House Toilet Paper

Thanks to this pic from a West Wing restroom we can now all see that this is patently untrue. The Obama White makes regular use of our Constitution.

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