Indicting Hillary?

Periodically the news ripples slightly with news of federal agencies investigating Hillary Clinton and her staff about her use of an unsecured, private email server to conduct classified State Department business. Each time there’s a ripple various and sundry people rub their hands together and salivate, believing she’ll be indicted and possibly even convicted of one or more high crimes against America.

Even If Hilllary Was Indicted
Even If Hillary Was Indicted…

Ah hope – it springs eternal in the breasts of men and is itself the wellspring of despair and disillusionment.

In this case and in this time Hillary Clinton is untouchable. She’s got a get out jail free card. She’s not only a Democrat, she’s the in-all-but-name Democrat Nominee for the 2016 Presidential Election. As every member of every agency that is supposedly investigating her is employed at the pleasure of Obama, Hillary will not be indicted until and unless a Republican is in the Oval Office.

Really! Can anyone in America truly believe that Obama would allow such a thing to happen to Hillary? No matter whatever the boy’s personal feeling about the Clintons might be, he’d never scuttle the Dems’ best and only hope to keep the White House. Hillary could literally hold the young women down while Bill raped them and Obama would do his level best to not let it affect her campaign.

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The Other H-Bomb

Many of my fellow Americans seem to believe or, at least fervently hope and devoutly pray, that the ongoing, broadening, and deepening scandal surrounding Hillary Clinton’s criminal misuse of email while serving her assignment as Obama’s Secretary of State will be the bomb that blows her and the Democrats chances at the White House to burning, bloody gobbets of Hell-fated meat.

Hillary's E-Mail H-BombHillary’s Emails – The Other H-Bomb

Perhaps I’m too cynical, but I believe that bomb is a dud, already defused by the coalition of the Obama Regime and their Lamestream media. Hence, it will little to no bearing upon either Hillary’s preordained status as the Democrats’ 2016 Presidential Nominee or her campaign after to secure the Presidency.

In my opinion, as they say, “The fix is in.” Oh, they’ll let Bernie run a race against Her, but they’re not going to do anything to give him a shot at beating her, especially if it would either disqualify Hillary from holding office or so damage her chances that nominating her would be political suicide.

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Lending Aid & Comfort

A number of the world’s governments are very concerned about the Obama Regime’s agreement with Iran over that nation’s ongoing attempt to develop nuclear weapons. Even more so, they are very concerned with the probability that Iran has violated the existing 2013 interim agreement covering such things.

As bad as that is, what the nations should be worried about is the Obama Regimes continued, consistent, and ongoing defense of Iran against all the nations who are so worried.

Evil ghetto buck sides with the enemy, IranObama Lending Aid & Comfort To Iran

For over a month now the Obama’s State Department has been staunchly defending Iran from accusations that it was on the verge of violating a requirement to reduce its low-enriched uranium stockpile under a 2013 interim nuclear with major powers. They’ve also been “deflecting” international criticism of continued Iranian violations of UN sanctions and reports of attempts to illicitly procure nuclear technology for use in activities the West wants it to suspend. All this despite the fact that the Obama Regime admits to being aware of suspected breaches.

Don’t be mistaken. Such behavior on Obama’s part is not surprising. He’s merely lending material aid and comfort to his allies and defending them from their joint enemies.

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Hillary’s A Pig

Hillary Clinton Is A PigFluttering around the background of both the Lamestream Media and the news sources on the internet is the ongoing scandal of Hillary Clinton violating various laws by using her personal email account and server to conduct State Department business.

The most recent bit of news is that it has finally been admitted that she illegally used it to convey classified material at least 25 separate times. How many times she actually did so in total is unknown because most of the emails had been deleted.

But, of course, there’s neither sign nor expectation that any serious sanctions or charges will ever be brought down up Hillary’s hoary head. Nor will the Lamestream Media hold Hillary accountable for her misdeeds.

Professor Jonathan Turley has described this as another example of America’s Animal Farm system, in which all animals are supposedly equal but some animals are more equal than others. This seems an apt analogy and, given that, it’s more than obviously that Hillary Clinton is a pig – that particular breed of livestock that was more equal.

Yet sadly, there’s little to naught that we, the People can do about the special protections and entitlements that Hillary receives. In truth, though we all know that you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, we’ll be damned hard pressed to keep our domestic enemies from making a POTUS out of a sow’s cunt.

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Homegrown Terrorism

We don't have to look past the White House for homegrown terrorism
Homegrown Terrorism – You Don’t Have To Look Far

Americans need not look far, much less abroad, for Muslim terrorists. Homegrown Terrorism is a booming business within our borders and its Axis of Evil rotates from Obama’s White House.

It’s time – actually, it’s horrifically past time – for we, the People to internalize this truth and act upon it.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉

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