Equality Of Hate

One thing about hate in modern America, it’s very much based upon bias, bigotry, and prejudice. Far be it from most people living within America’s borders to accept an equality of hate.

If one is hate, both are hateHate – Separate But Equal

America’s domestic enemies, the Liberals and their minority sharecroppers, loath the Flag of the Confederacy and claim it’s a symbol of hate and nothing more. However, they have no issues with the raised Black fist war banner of the Black Power movement. Indeed, it has proven impossible to convince them that if one flag is about hate, then both of them are so.

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As Should Be Expected…

South Carolina State FlagAs should be expected, I’m weighing in upon the killing of 9 Blacks and wounding of another in Charleston, SC’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church – often called by Blacks, “Mother Emanuel” – by Dylann Roof. As should also be expected by any and all who are familiar with me or Reflections From A Murky Pond, my take on the matter will follow the mainstream.

This is simply because something like Dylann Roof’s assault upon “Mother Emanuel” should have been expected to happen. Decades of law after law being enacted to demand preferential treatment for people having a “Protected Trait”; years and years of the Lamestream Media promulgating the thought that all Whites are both racists and somehow debtors to the “Black Community”; and the constant excuses made for the innumerable Blacks who riots and loot whenever they feel like guaranteed some sort of reprisal-based action would be committed by someone in America sometime. Obama’s and his boy, Holder’s consistent exacerbation of these things just accelerated things and brought the timeline forward.

Does this mean that I approve of- or condone Dylann Roof’s actions? No. In my opinion they were stupid and counterproductive. He killed 9 people for no good purpose and accomplished nothing by doing so that aids America in protecting herself.

Does this mean that I excuse his actions? No. I do understand his motivation and I do see a growing problem that is very much akin to the problem that Roof perceived. Yet, like all things, understanding does not necessarily provide excuse, since failure is failure and sinking into rage is rarely, if ever, excusable.

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Sherman’s March 2.0

Sherman's March 2.0 - Big Labor Seek To Burn The South AgainAt the time of this article it’s been 148 years, 9 months, and 22 days since the Union General, William Tecumseh Sherman made his March To The Sea, burning the cities of the South and introducing the world to strategy of destroying enemy civilian targets in order to render them incapable of making war.

Since then the South has rebuilt and risen anew.

The South is now a growing economic and political powerhouse. Hence, the forces arrayed against it are once again planning on metaphorically marching to sea and burning the South to the ground. This time Sherman’s March 2.0 is to be carried out by the Big Labor syndicates of the unions.

The AFL-CIO recently unveiled their “Southern Strategy” to unionize the South and install pro-union politicians.

LOS ANGELES — Labor will embark on an expansive organizing campaign in America’s union-scarce South that, if successful, could bring about serious political upheaval.

The AFL-CIO, at its quadrennial convention this week, adopted a resolution to come up with a “Southern Strategy” that includes “a long-term commitment to organize the South.”

The labor unions are dying because wherever employees are given the freedom of choice they, by and large, choose not to join these syndicates and, wherever they are denied freedom of choice, they tend to flee those areas of the country…for places like the South. So, of course, the heads of these syndicates are vowing to assault the South, install their politicians, and burn the new South to ground like they have the everywhere else they’ve been allowed to flourish. They can’t abide workers’ choice because they can’t survive it.

So they’re coming for Southern businesses, political representation, and the jobs that feed Southern families and they’re bound and determined to turn: Atlanta, Savannah, Charlotte, and the other great cities of south into wasteland like Detroit.

Ladies and gentlemen of the South, you’re well-armed and now you’re forewarned. The question is whether or not you’ll realize that it doesn’t matter whether they’re Blue Bellies or Purple Jackets, they’re the enemy and they’re coming once again to destroy your way of life and all that you hold dear.

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A Southern Education

A Southern education isn’t the the nearly same as what the Blue Bellies call education. It’s more pragmatic and focused more on common sense than on “book learning,” which is of somewhat less use in the still largely agrarian South.

This can cause odd events when outsiders such as Obama seek to interact with Southern school children in the course of furthering their political agendas.

At a recent visit to a rural elementary school in South Carolina, President Obama asked the children for total quiet.

He started to slowly clap his hands once every few seconds, holding the audience in total silence.

Then he dramatically intoned into the microphone, “Children, every time I clap my hands together, a child in America dies from gun violence.”

The kids looked horrified, except for a little boy sitting in the back row.

With a proud South Carolina drawl, Little Johnny pierced the silence and said: “Well, Dumbass, stop clapping!”

And so wise Little Johnny totally schooled Obama, and so, as well, precocious Little Johnny got his daddy audit by the IRS because Obama didn’t enjoy a Southern Education. 😆

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Graphic Propaganda

Americans need to put a stop, by any and means necessary, to the encroachment of the Nanny StateBeginning September 2012, Obama’s FDA will require larger, more prominent cigarette health warnings on all cigarette packaging. They claim that the introduction of these warnings is expected to lower medical costs, a necessity if ObamaCare is not undone by the American courts and/or Congress.

It’s a just another of Obama’s many lies though.

It strains rational credulity to believe that this bit of fear-mongering will work any better than any of the plethora of such campaigns have worked in the past. It strains rational credulity past the breaking point to think that Obama and his appointees in the FDA and HHS don’t know this fact.

Obama’s Nanny State Fear-Mongering
Because This Has Worked So Well Before…

It well might meet Obama’s and his Liberals’ true goals though – the further destruction of the economy of the South where the vast majority of America’s tobacco is grown and processed. After all, these are historically red states and the Liberals’ best hope is to crush their economies in order to either cause people to leave or be shackled by government subsistence level hand-outs.

The placement requirements for this propaganda make their goal of brand destruction and impeding sales quite clear:

  1. On the top 50 percent of both the front and rear panels of each cigarette package.
  2. In the upper portion of each cigarette advertisement, occupying at least 20 percent of the area of the advertisement.

The actual, and I believe planned, effect of Obama’s FDA’s new cigarette label regulations will be to make it harder for smokers and retailers to swiftly identify brands and types of cigarettes at the time of sale.

FDA Approved Cigarette Display
Now Where’s My Cigarettes?

Such backhanded tactics by Obama and his sort don’t actually sink to the legal definition of a prior restraint, but they do certainly approach the functional level of such due to the added aggravation and time such labeling regulations will cause both shoppers and retailers.

These delays will also aggravate others waiting in the check-out lines, a bit of social engineering designed to further vilify and isolate American smokers that I’m sure is part and parcel of the Liberals’ plan.

Of course, if this goes like ObamaCare has so far, Newports and Kools will be given exemptions due to the “disproportion impact” upon Blacks, i.e., trusted Democrat sharecroppers voters.

The warning ads are useless, graphic propaganda that will be, like all other such things, ignored by the majority. The placement requirements, however, will do much to further Obama’s real goals, which is something for every man and woman in the southern states to remember as we approach the 2012 elections.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉

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