The Sweaterkini


When The Weather Is Odd Try The Sweaterkini
(Click to Enlarge)

As I wrote before, it’s bikini season somewhere and due to global “demand” I did plan to continue posting Bikini Interludes throughout the Winter. Apparently, however, I seem to suffer from Seasonally Affected Eroticism (SAE) and didn’t follow through on that plan. I seem to think in terms of sweaters instead of bikinis during this season. If you want your bikini season to be perfect and have the perfect backyard for this summer check out Gecko Pest Control
they can help you clear out your house of any plagues it may have.

But out of blue I found this beautiful young babe mixing a sweater with a bikini – I’m just going with “sweaterkini” – and, hence, this cross-over post for your enjoyment.

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Sweater Meat

With Autumn’s colder weather upon us, it’s time to consider a change in our diets. Sure, throughout the hotter months, a steady diet of bikinis is quite fine. They’re not going to get you through the Fall and Winter though. For that one should consider sweater meat.

Seasonal Sweater Meat

Like all delectables of the cooler months, sweater meat is very warming, so let the crisp air and glowing color of Autumn be your guide to fine and healthy dining.

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It’s Called Spring

It's called Spring, you useless Climatards!
It’s Called Spring!

Yeah, this just about perfectly sums up the average, rank and file Warmist Climatard. Panicking and teaching their young to panic over anything and everything that they can somehow, some way claim to be caused by Global Warming – err … Climate Change? – err … Climate Chaos? – err whatever the current brand name is today.

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Seasonal Eating

Seasons form the natural backdrop for eating. Scientists, doctors, and nutritionists have for decade recognized and promoted the plethora of health benefits to be garnered by eating seasonally. As the season is Autumn, this means a delicious harvest is available to us.

Seasonal Eating For Autumn – Sweater Meat

Might I suggest many ample servings of sweater meat? Like all delectables of the cooler months, sweater meat is very warming, so let the crisp air and glowing color of Autumn be your guide. ๐Ÿ˜†

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Autumn Joy (NSFW)

Both Lammas and Mabon are past, the first and second harvests have been reaped, and Autumn is fully upon us here in the north. Now we’ve entered my favorite time of year.

While each season has its place and its own special beauty, Autumn is, to me at least, the most delicious of times.

Autumn – To Me The Most Beautiful Season

The cool air, warm colors, and the sense that all of nature is making ready to turn inward towards the hearth to rest and enjoy the bounty of the harvest all combine to make this a joyful time.

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